Of course I want to score.

Liverpool is a great club.

I think Anfield is a fortress.

Sometimes you need luck to score.

Every player wants to score more.

Every team learns when they lose a game.

Anfield comes alive on big European nights.

Everyone in the Champions League has quality.

It's not normal to score four goals in a game.

You always have to put pressure on an opponent.

You're always disappointed when you lose a game.

Every game is a new game, and anything can happen.

Every opponent in the Premier League is a warning.

It is a fault of the whole team if you don't deliver.

I was always happy to play for the Dutch national team.

The more you are together as a team, the better you become.

When you lose games, you analyse them more than when you win.

It's always a special game when you play against your previous club.

I can play in a lot of different positions; I can do a lot of things.

Pochettino is a terrific manager if you look at the way his teams play.

What I loved the most about the Champions League was the games at home.

I like to score goals, as, back in the day, I was used to scoring goals.

Learning to play different roles has made me a more all-round midfielder.

It's always a blow for a team if important players get injured or suspended.

Some days, you don't score, but then you have to make sure you don't concede.

I want to be remembered as a Liverpool player who was part of something special.

Normally, I am a player who can play in different positions, but never in defence.

You must play with the same intention: to win the game and give everything you have.

If you want to compete for the Premier League title, you need to win ugly sometimes.

I was sad when Van Gaal left the national team, but I was also sad when Hiddink left.

At Newcastle, I was playing in the No 10 position but also in midfield as a left winger.

It doesn't matter who you play - you can win against anyone; you can lose against anyone.

It's irrelevant how I prefer to play and what I want. It's all about what works for the team.

It would be absolutely fantastic to play at Real Madrid together with my friend Royston Drenthe.

When a lot of players come to a club, it can be difficult to gel because you don't know each other properly.

I want to move to one of Europe's best clubs if I leave Rotterdam, just like Robin van Persie and Kuyt did before.

I like Liverpool. I like the club, and I like the fans. The people appreciate me. That's the most important thing.

You will not create a lot of chances in every game, but if you stop the opponent getting chances, you will win more.

I always try to perform, and not because you have players on the bench or on the pitch that can play in your position.

From the moment I first spoke with him, I knew that I wanted to join Liverpool. I fell for Klopp - hook, line, and sinker.

In the Premier League, almost everyone is difficult to beat; it depends on how you begin a game and how you play in the game.

To follow in the footsteps of Dirk Kuyt would be sensational. He triumphed at Feyenoord and has had great success at Liverpool.

You always learn from a defeat, even more than when you win games, because when you win, you don't see everything you did wrong.

Because I was fast, technical, and could dribble well, it was always the easy thing to label me just a winger and have me stick to that.

I can play in different positions, and if I can do what I'm good at, score goals, show how good I can play football, then it's OK with me.

At a club like Liverpool, you have to win everything possible, and you have to play for both - the Premier League and the Champions League.

You want to be able to look back and feel you were part of Liverpool's great history - win something here, and they will always remember you.

It makes it easier for you to play more often and it makes it easier for the manager if he has players who can be used in different positions.

With my quality, I feel I can bring a lot to a team that I will join. I want to show it in the big leagues: England, Italy, Spain, Germany, and France.

I saw Spurs as being a very good fit for me - but we were unable to agree financial terms with them... With hindsight, though, that was not a disaster.

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