Success is a great healer.

No loose fish enters our quiet bay.

the best of all good friends is pride.

... France is the genius among nations.

Fame compensates for a column of wants.

Self-admiration giveth much consolation.

the only revenge worth having is success.

nothing in life is more corroding than habit.

The final result of too much routine is death in life.

The French are a race of individuals. There is no type.

stoicism is the fundamental characteristic of the French.

The human mind has an infinite capacity for self-deception.

If you can't get the very best in this world, take nothing.

In times of panic man seems to exchange his soul for a tail.

fiction is not only the historian of life but its apologist.

Every leader of a great revolution is a fanatic and a Jesuit.

All women want to be understood until they understand themselves.

There is nothing so carking as the pangs of unsatisfied curiosity.

The minority of one generation is usually the majority of the next.

The very commonplaces of life are components of its eternal mystery.

[Alexander] Hamilton estimated portrait painters as thieves of time.

... the irony of life is not that you cannot forget but that you can.

We never care to know new people unless we are sure we shall like them.

A little superstition is a good thing to keep in one's bag of precautions.

No country can reach a high stage of civilization without a leisure class.

California has all the beauties of youth as well as its idiocies and vices.

Women love the lie that saves their pride, but never an unflattering truth.

there is only one thing we do know and that is that we do not know anything.

The world changed somewhat in form during its progress, but never in substance.

Civilization in certain respects is as inadequate as it was a thousand years ago.

It took me years to learn that character is fate and that no one can be made over.

power, after it has ceased from troubling, is the dominant passion in human nature.

Oh, what is young love! The urge of the race. A blaze that ends in babies or ashes.

It is seldom that the imagination is disappointed in the 'ancestral piles' of England.

The grief of childhood is terrible while it lasts, it is so abandoned and so all-possessing.

New York has always prided itself on its bad manners. That is the real source of our strength.

... books are too heterogeneous an interest to furnish a vital one in life, a reason for being alive.

there is no greater fraud or bore than the writer who has acquired the art of saying nothing brilliantly.

To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn.

It is a pretty trick of authors to make nature ever in sympathy with man, but as a matter of fact she seldom is.

I see no present solution of a great and intricate problem but that the rich should realize their duty to the poor.

No matter how hard a man may labor, some woman is always in the background of his mind. She is the one reward of virtue.

Men are not amusing during the shooting season; but, after all, my dear, men were not especially designed to amuse women.

her age was that indeterminate mixture of everlasting youth and anticipated wisdom which is the glory and the curse of genius.

Nowhere can it rain harder and with a more tiresome persistence than in California during the brief season when it rains at all.

Writing was my real life and I was more at home with the people of my imagination than with the best I met in the objective world.

orthodoxy is a fixed habit of mind. The average man and woman hug their orthodoxies and spit their venom on those that outrage them.

Nursing is not only a natural vocation for a woman, but an occupation which increases her matrimonial chances about eighty per cent.

Better extirpate the whole breed, root and branch. And this, unless the German people come to their senses, is what we propose to do.

if there's a spirit world why don't the ghosts of dead artists get together and inhibit bad playwrights from tormenting first-nighters?

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