I was always a big James Franco fan.

I'm a pyro. I love exploding things.

I wanted to be a bartender for a bit.

It's hard for me to articulate myself.

I just love seeing other females work.

Chanel is a brand that is so inspiring.

Visually, I love the setting of suburbia.

I have a lot of game apps I need to delete.

Making a movie is a lot of problem solving.

I never particularly liked it in New York City.

Being a little naive can work to your advantage.

Working with a great actor is really educational.

It's hard not to be impressed by my older relatives.

I love to play with the gadgets that come with film.

I liked to drive around, just playing music for everyone.

When I was a baby, my mom was always bringing me onto set.

I love working with other people and bouncing ideas off them.

I get to collaborate and tell stories with moving photographs.

I feel like I can communicate much better using images than words.

I've been going to the same person for haircuts since I was thirteen.

Friends would ask, 'Have you seen 'The Godfather?' and I'd be like, 'No.'

It was kind of intimidating to make a feature without that much experience.

It's tricky to take a book of short stories and turn it into a feature film.

My grandpa showed me how to build stamina onset behind the scenes on 'Twixt.'

I normally wear jeans and sneakers, but given an occasion, I enjoy dressing up.

I'm not so vocal. I try to get loud, but my voice will just crack or something.

In high school, I didn't always relate to my friends. I was more of a spectator.

'Virgin Suicides' was such a big movie to me as a teenage girl. It blew me away.

I've been very surprised by people asking me what my teenage experience was like.

I'm so drawn to photography because you can convey a complex story in a single frame.

I was really nervous working with actors, since I come from a photography background.

I have so much appreciation for movies because I understand how hard it is to make one.

My grandpa told me, 'Learn to love anxiety, because it never goes away in moviemaking.'

Now that I'm older, I have a much better appreciation of nature, and I love being alone.

It's great because all of my friends from elementary school are still my closest friends.

I love making movies. But it's a lot of investing your heart and soul. It can be exhausting.

In Italy, there are a lot of Coppolas - it's like being called Jones. No one really notices.

I like the camera to be still and not very shaky and have everything happen within the frame.

I've only ever taken a playwriting class, but I like creative writing and writing screenplays.

I'm always really impressed when a movie can function like a novel does - that's so hard to do.

I'm Italian, so I need to get someone to wax my eyebrows, but I'm not so good at keeping it up.

I like the pharmacy makeup. I always get stuck in that aisle... I've always liked looking at it.

You can't host an Italian film festival without Marcello Mastroianni. It just doesn't feel right.

My grandpa always tells me that 45-minute lunches are key because an army marches on its stomach.

Movies are a collaboration, I feel, so I didn't think of myself as an authoritative figure as much.

I knew I wanted to make a movie that hadn't really existed in a while in terms of being a teenager.

When I went to college, my mum was really sad, so she preserved my bedroom, like a weird time capsule.

I got my GED my senior year and ended up taking community college classes before I transferred to Bard.

To a certain extent, I like fashion, but sometimes I just want to be comfortable and don't really care.

The hardest thing on 'Palo Alto' was letting go because I kept working on it, trying to make it better.

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