I mostly just listen to my body.

When I'm home in New York, I box every day.

My mother was my beauty icon my whole life.

Honestly... I only get starstruck over chefs.

I listen to John Mayer when I get ready. He's my calmer.

I pay attention to how every makeup artist does everything.

Going and running, just to run on the treadmill, wasn't my thing.

I always say, 'Eat clean to stay fit; have a burger to stay sane.'

I'm not scared of spiders at all. I'm the spider killer in the house.

I've always said, 'Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane,’

When I was 11, I made truffle risotto for my family for Christmas dinner.

I think that not being perfect has given me the freedom to keep getting better.

If you don't like it, don't follow me, don't watch me, cause I'm not going anywhere.

My biggest thing about being a role model is whatever I'm preaching, I'm practicing.

There's always stories about cute girls in the gym, I'm just not one of those people.

It makes life so much easier when you can just say 'I'm human' at the end of the day."

Not enough people know what Lyme disease is and the dangers of being bitten by an insect.

If you look at sculptures from hundreds of years ago, everyone's naked. It's not a bad thing.

I've met people and have mentors that have taught me and I'm still trying to get better today.

I personally would rather do the Master Cleanse for ten days than just eat salad for six months.

I feel like I try to keep learning every time I step off a runway, I try to get better with each one.

If you're not a makeup artist, and you just try to go for the big looks, it just gets the best of you.

In California, I'm more of a beach chick, and I kind of take on a model city girl when I'm in New York.

I think that it's nice when someone can go and look more exotic and do the girl-next-door thing as well.

I grew up on the beach, so I'm really comfortable in a bathing suit, playing volleyball, running around.

I'm a really big Juice Press fan. There is a store right around the corner from my apartment in New York.

Boxing has been great for me because it's, like, my new sport, so it's something that I can get better at.

My thighs were huge; they were like rock! Growing up, I was really athletic, and I had a very athletic body.

I get to go back and ride my horses with all the people that I grew up with because that's really fun for me.

Bella [Hadid] is also very naturally gifted in beauty so she can also go whenever she wants to go to the gym.

A camel is a very awkward animal to ride, and it's very hard to get used to because they're not very graceful.

The first year I lived in New York, I tried a different burger every week to find my favorite burger in New York.

My biggest fear is the people I love not knowing how much I love them. I just want to remind people all the time.

I think friendships are a lot more valuable than one job. If you're going to let it ruin that, then that's stupid.

I am double jointed in my elbow. So I can turn it all the way around and then bend it so it looks like it's broken.

Even if I have no other makeup on, I always want a nude lip, and if I'm going to do a bright, I want it to be matte.

You know where the best McDonald's is? Dubai. Because they have regulation on the meat, so it's really, really good.

I think my best memories are when I go home to California and I get play beach volleyball with my friends from home.

When I first went to visit different agencies in New York, a lot of them were like, 'You have to lose a lot of weight.'

Using the right colour is the most important thing. When sculpting is well done, it just looks like you have great brows.

I didn't expect myself to be perfect my first season because no one ever pulled me aside and said "This is how you walk."

I stretch in the morning a lot and I do a lot of saunas and steam rooms during fashion week just to keep my blood flowing.

I've learned very quickly to fall asleep wherever I can. I sleep in the car from event to event or show to show sometimes.

I have so much respect for people that can do it [tredmill running], I wish I could because it looks really cool and really fun.

I'm all for one month of going really hard and eating really healthy and boxing every day if you're doing it for, like, one job.

I'm always tan and blonde and don't really fit into New York. I'm a California girl, even if I try and cover it up with leather.

My stepdad always said, "If you're going to believe the good, you're going to believe the bad." I think that's really important.

I read one thing, and 100 people can say good things then you read one bad thing that says you're the worst and you believe them.

I post pictures that I want to post and say what I want to say. If that's three times a day or three times per month then whatever.

I post pictures that I want to post and say what I want to say. If that's three times a day or three times per month, then whatever.

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