I'm a lover and a fighter.

Eddie Redmayne is fantastic.

I don't tweet - I have nothing to say.

There's a little bit of me in everybody that I play.

There aren't very many women of color in positions of power, period. Much less on television.

I love the chess game that I do on 'Suits.' I just love every bit of it and that I get to do it.

Superwoman is one of those superheroes that knows her power and is very comfortable in her power.

I would love to take off the stilettos and put the boots back on. Strap something to my hip, and let's go!

I love doing the nighttime soap, the emotional, psychological, hard stuff that I got to tackle on 'Hannibal.'

Really feminism is about being all that you are and not having to trade one thing for another on your way up.

The future has both gritty and savage and clean and 'techno-hip.' I think it's a very realistic point of view.

Life is about choices, and the grace - or lack thereof - with which you execute them is a make-or-break moment in anyone's life.

What I love about superheroes, and Superwoman in particular, is that in that comics world, they're all curvaceous. They're strong.

I think the public doesn't understand the rigors of shooting a show for an actor, much less when you're on location and away from home.

My first time on camera was 'One Life to Live.' I mourn for actors coming up that the daytime soap opera is becoming extinct. It's theater onscreen.

Unfortunately, being a woman in society means that sometimes you have to sort of quell what is instinctually broad and magnificent and magical about you.

I certainly came up in an era where women were really making strides and making a point to beat down doors and find their place and crash through the glass ceiling.

I like good movies. Not to say that there aren't wonderful sci-fi films out there, but it's not where I go first. It's not where I go first in the rental aisle, I should say.

My hope for my daughter is that she has the courage to at least try to do it all, to be kind to herself when it all doesn't come together perfectly, and to follow her dreams.

Jessica Pearson isn't a unicorn. She's not a mythological creature. She's an example of so many women out there that are ruling their part of the world and doing an incredible job.

It's important to have strong images of women out there, women who aren't afraid of expressing themselves, women who aren't afraid of taking chances, women who aren't afraid of their own power.

You have Showtime, you have AMC, you have all of these, you know, incredible networks that are now bringing forth their product without the handcuffs, if you will, of trying to sell soap to the entire country.

The older I get, I just don't know. But, there is absolutely that part of me that watches action shows and goes, 'I can still do that. I can still roll with that. I stay in shape. I keep it together. I stay strong.'

Don't count Jessica out on 'Suits,' 'cause those boys are going to mess up, and they're going to have to call me. I believe that. I don't know when, I don't know how, but that story's not done, 'cause everybody comes back.

I grew up watching old musicals and seeing Ginger Rogers wearing a beautiful fitted bodice that had ostrich feathers. I love how it moved when she danced. Theatrical pieces like that stayed with me. I wanted to grow up to wear those kinds of things.

My view of myself doesn't change. I know who I am. I'm Cuban American; both my parents are Cuban - one was a little browner than the other one. That's who I am. I feel sorry that it's taken so long for the film industry to figure it out and to catch up.

I have been very, very fortunate on this show, on 'Suits,' where the writers do come to me, and they ask my comfort level and, if they want to push an envelope in a certain direction, if I'm okay with that. And, by and large, I am. I think it's important.

When it was announced that I was going to be on 'Castle,' there were immediate messages on all the TV news sites from 'Firefly' fans hoping for a nod to the series - some encrypted business just for them! I can't promise that, but I can say that a few people out there might get a thrill.

It’s the age of celebrity. It’s the age of social media. But for we old school girls who don’t want to show up at every single event just ‘cause I don’t tweet–I have nothing to say. I’m not on Facebook. I mean it sounds like I have plenty to say, but that’s to people who I’m in a room with. I’m not that interesting, and the rest is none of your business.

It’s the age of celebrity. It’s the age of social media. But for we old school girls who don’t want to show up at every single event just ‘cause I don’t tweet–I have nothing to say. I’m not on Facebook. I mean it sounds like I have plenty to say, but that’s to people who I’m in a room with. I’m not that interesting, and the rest is none of your business.

It’s wonderful, it’s expressive. It’s a way of using a part of my instrument that I’m comfortable and familiar with. The voice is such a vital part of crafting a character. I’m so pleased that I have the kind of voice that prints well and that people want to hear. I’ve had friends actually say, ‘You know, I was in the kitchen, and the television was on and I heard you.’ I love hearing that there’s something familiar about my sound, and that to some people it’s soothing.

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