Wherever there's a human being there's going to be somebody that tries to hold you back.

When I write a song it's always from the point of view: makes the song the best it can be.

I have had a life in which I have had to face every big fear, and it has not been pleasant.

Stevie Wonder always smells so good... I'm like a DEA dog, I can smell people a block away!

The last thing I wanted to do was put politics into my music... because music was my escape.

Neither. I did not bring my crown, and the last thing I would want to do is get into politics.

I've bought more music for my Ipod in one year than I bought in the last ten years of my life.

Make sure everything you do you really like, because you have to sing it the rest of your life.

How can we expect something positive to come from all the negative that we put into this world?

I received an award for 25 million in [album] sales the night before the bus accident [in 1990].

My friends call me 'Dolittle One' [a reference to her physical stature and affinity for animals].

We seal our fate with the choices we take, but don't give a second thought to the chances we take.

We protect aspirin bottles in this country better than we protect guns from accidents by children.

The secret of a long marriage is shaving your legs every day . . . because it shows you still care.

If there's ever been a dark moment in my life... well, I wanted to check out. Music was a big escape.

[Cuban coffee is] very powerful, very sweet, and a little dangerous - just like the people who drink it.

There are certain realities we must speak of with our children that were not present when I was a child.

My inspirations include the Beatles - love, love, love them - Elton John, Carole King, and Stevie Wonder.

I spent 15 years on the road between touring and recording and I never saw anything. I want to enjoy life.

She [then nine-year-old daughter Emily] grew up with 'The Rhythm is Gonna Get You,' Well . . . It got her!

The responsibility of carrying and bringing a new life into this world is one that cannot be taken lightly.

There's some people that are 24 hours with the baby and it doesn't make a difference. They could be anywhere.

In the United States, if you believe in yourself and you're determined and persevere, you're going to succeed.

Later in life, the memories I have of my mother are of constant work balanced with caring for my ailing father.

You know, it's funny how songs continue to grow and evolve and become a new and deeper reflection of your life.

You never know what life has in store for you, but I believe there are certain things one is meant to go through

Toys are not a need people typically think of, but they've got all these kids who have absolutely nothing to do.

I make the best pancakes you'll ever have! And I claim that title gladly. On Saturdays I make them for everybody.

Nothing ever stays in the middle. You always go from one extreme to the other, and politics is certainly that way.

Love you all the time, 'cause when I close my eyes, I still can see your smile, it's bright enough to light my life

Of course in Miami, not denouncing Fidel Castro at every turn is almost as bad as saying Gloria Estefan can't sing.

My job as an entertainer is to take you some place else. I love exploring different genres of music to please my fans.

Getting this caliber of musicians together [for "90 Millas" CD in September of 2007] is almost impossible to do again.

Music has been one of the most beautiful things in my life and will always be a very big part of who I am and what I do.

I spent my childhood alone, overweight and ugly, angry at everything, and knowing nothing of a life beyond this sadness.

My daughter is almost a young lady. She's going to be 10 years old in December and I want to be there day-in and day-out.

What's the point if you make something that's not you, and you're successful? You have to perform it the rest of your life.

We kiss and hug our kids a lot! And even now when our son lives 3,000 miles away, we talk every day, sometimes several times.

My mom was a source of strength. She showed me by example that women, regardless of how difficult life may get, can do it all.

It's crucial with today's challenges that our children feel they have a source of information they can trust in their parents.

If you discover a word in my book that you don't understand, ask your parents so they can look it up in the dictionary for you.

Once you know the Romance languages, singing in those languages is so sexy and sensual. I do have a global audience, so why not?

[After a poor prognosis for recovery from her doctor following her 1990 bus accident] I said if it is up to me, I'm going to be OK.

The library takes me away from my everyday life and allows me to see other places and learn to understand other people unlike myself.

Sometimes parents, when they have a lot of small children, it's hard because your time's got to get divvied up. There's no other way.

When I was a teenager, I was fat. I was shy. I wore glasses. I had a big eyebrow and hair all over my body. They were years of torture.

To know that everything we say and do to this new little human being may have a profound effect on him or her is a daunting obligation.

I was going to study at the Sorbonne and become a diplomat. Being a diplomat comes in handy when you are dealing with record companies.

I've been offered a lot of things that celebrities do that I wouldn't do, like perfumes, lines of clothing and this, that and the other.

I think that the only way to teach is by example, as children will more easily follow what they see you do than what you tell them to do.

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