Everything in life is elusive.

Nobody should get married at 17.

I believe in marriage and fidelity.

The heart of another is a dark forest.

To be happy--one must find one's bliss

If you have health, you have everything.

I was fearless. Wild horses couldn't stop me.

When anybody says, 'Why me?' Why is 'me' exempt?

Cats are so interesting - endlessly fascinating.

I'm the girliest girl you are ever going to meet.

I'm a ham. I always like to answer spontaneously.

I don't think age has anything to do with what you write about.

I don't like cold people at all. It makes me feel really insecure.

Why not me? Suffering, she understood, is, in fact, random, universal.

A home is very, very important to me. But I do change things around a lot.

The fame you earn has a different taste from the fame that is forced upon you

The fame you earn has a different taste from the fame that is forced upon you.

Sinatra created a kind of magic. You want those people to be part of your life.

I've always believed that one woman's success can only help another woman's success.

I have a tremendous appetite for life; the phone rings and your whole life could change.

...that is the best-to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny.

Even death is wonderful because, as Woody Allen says, we're not going to know when it happens.

A work of fiction is conceived very much the same way as a dream occurs in the mind of a sleeper.

I like to repaint rooms, to redecorate. My dream would be to have pieds-à-terre in various places.

Throughout my life I have taken detours in acting and writing, but art remains my abiding passion.

I'll always remain friends with men I've been in love with. Each one gave me so much, in so many ways.

In anything there has to be dark and light. There's a lot of joy in my paintings and a lot of darkness.

I've had many, many loves. I always feel that something wonderful is going to happen. And it always does.

The only thing that would ever embarrass me would be something I would write that would be badly written.

You must always have great, secret, big fat hopes for yourself in love and in life. The bigger, the better.

I love to decorate and redecorate. Now it's called interior design, but the term decorating is fine with me.

I love to think that animals and humans and plants and fishes and trees and stars and the moon are all connected.

I do think all art is autobiographical, and I do think I know quite a bit about women. I don't know anything about men.

I think something wonderful is going to happen to me. Maybe tomorrow. The phone can ring and your whole life can change.

I was born during an eclipse. I believe very much in astrology. If you were born on an eclipse it indicates your destiny is chaotic.

I'm in love with beauty and things and people and love and being in love, and those things, I think, on the inside, show on the outside.

When I was being photographed, I always felt very much in my own skin. That's probably one of the reasons why I enjoy being photographed.

I don't categorize myself as an 85-year-old woman who has written an erotic novel. I categorize myself as a writer who's written an erotic novel.

Some of us are born with a sense of loss. It is not acquired as we grow. It is already there from the beginning, and it pervades us throughout our lives.

If you've never had a mother or a father, you grow up seeking something you're never going to find, ever. You seek it in love and in people and in beauty.

I'm always in love. If it's not with a man, it's something else. I love beauty. I love the sky I see outside the window. There's so much beauty in the world.

A work of fiction is conceived very much the same way as a dream occurs in the mind of a sleeper. But a lot of it is imagination. It's not based on real people.

To be pregnant has been for me each time the supreme joy ... I was doing the greatest thing in the world without having to do anything -- all I had to do was be.

The minute that you bring a unicorn into a story, you know that it's a fairy tale or a fable, because unicorns don't exist as animals. They exist as fantasy creatures.

I can't bear to look at Paris Hilton and all that. I mean, it really doesn't grab me. I don't think she's interesting, and the sense of values seems sort of off-kilter.

And it came to me, and I knew what I had to have before my soul would rest. I wanted to belong - to belong to my mother. And in return - I wanted my mother to belong to me.

There's a saying I read recently; I painted it on the fireplace and in my studio: "Be kind to everyone you meet, for everyone is fighting a great battle." We all are. Everyone.

I've resolved so many things in my life. I like the idea of showing that you can go through a lot and still be on your feet, still be working, and still be positive about life.

All art, from the paintings on the walls of cave dwellers to art created today, is autobiographical because it comes from the secret place in the soul where imagination resides.

When I was photographed, I didn't feel I was acting. I just felt I was being photographed. It sort of taught me things about myself that I didn't know and was trying to find out.

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