By 40, all women are amazing.

The Jewish part of me is superstitious.

The simpler things are, the happier they are.

If I'm lucky, I can do a facial once a month.

I cannot go to sleep with dishes in the sink.

I have a very highly developed sense of denial.

I love to cook and feed people. I cook every day.

I would rather die than let my kid eat Cup-a-Soup.

I say what I think, and I stand behind what I say.

I'm looking forward to becoming older and quieter.

I'll take my wrinkles. I don't like the Botox thing.

My drive is something that I don't fully understand.

My perfect plan is to do one movie every nine months.

I don't want to be rich and I don't want to be famous.

I try to do one thing at a time to utilise my time well.

I don't eat red meat, but sometimes a man needs a steak.

I love men, even though they're lying, cheating scumbags.

I try to avoid barbecue potato chips. They're my weakness.

Beauty, to me is about being comfortable in your own skin.

Every time I have a bikini wax, Cameron Diaz holds me down.

The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends.

I am very passionate about non-toxic food and beauty and home.

To be a woman in your forties, I think it's a fantastic decade.

You can call me a lot of things, but you can't call me complacent!

It is with hearts full of sadness that we have decided to separate.

I am who I am. I can't pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year.

The older I get, the more open-minded I get, the less judgmental I get.

My father, he was like the rock, the guy you went to with every problem.

I'm always interested in what's next or what is the new kind of thinking.

My one light American Spirit that I smoke once a week, on Saturday night.

I basically love anything that comes in a hot dog bun... except hot dogs.

When I pass a flowering zucchini plant in a garden, my heart skips a beat.

My dad always said he couldn't remember a time when I did not want to act.

I'm not great about putting on make-up, I look like a wreck half the time.

What I've learned is I want to enjoy my life, and food is a big part of it.

I'm superstitious. Before I start a movie, I always kill a hobo with a hammer.

You're not learning anything unless you're having the difficult conversations.

I made a pact with myself that I'd rather have less money than be embarrassed.

[Moses] is obsessed with hip-hop and wanted a gold chain like his uncle Jay-Z.

I am convinced that by eating biological foods it is possible to avoid a tumor.

I'm not sure how healthy bacon is in general, but I know it's incredibly delicious.

One cold wintry day in London, I was dreaming about salad nicoise—one of my favorites.

There's a group I've been close to, since childhood. We spend a lot of time together.'.

Sometimes when things you love get really commercial, you end up feeling betrayed by it.

I really like cooking according to the season. I like to get creative with what's fresh.

Beauty fades! I just turned 29, so I probably don't have that many good years left in me.

I know people that I respect and admire and look up to who have had extra-marital affairs.

One evening when I had my wood-burning stove going I realized I hadn't thought of dessert.

People who are criticizing... don't really get it, because if they did, they would like it.

I don't know who decided that skinny was more appealing than not skinny. It seems arbitrary.

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