I want to have a long career.

Thank God for product and blusher.

I went through a really dorky phase.

Doing 'Magnificent Seven' was a no-brainer.

It's my favorite thing to do: luxurious nothing.

My dad was a single father, and he was a hunter.

I have a tendency to lean towards a more retro look.

I love to dress up and create a narrative with my look.

I get recognized all the time, but not as Haley Bennett.

I'm pretty mad at horror films for ruining my childhood.

I have a thousands wants; it's hard to really hone in on just a few.

I shot 'Girl' about three weeks after I finished 'The Magnificent Seven.'

We all have fears, especially when we're younger. I was afraid of clowns.

If acting doesn't work out, I'm probably going to be a professional chef.

Being nomadic isn't sustainable forever. I've gotten to be really good at it.

My siblings were pretty far apart in age, so I sort of grew up as an only child.

I'm attracted to the rag & bone aesthetic - classic and effortless with an edge.

All I came to Los Angeles with was a dream. No one from my family ever left Ohio.

I don't know that I'll ever get to make my ideal film, because Frank Capra is dead.

I struggled for many, many years following 'Music and Lyrics' - I mean really struggled.

You'll see me on 'Top Chef' someday. My Midwestern hospitality needs an outlet, you know?

I think it's important to surrender to situations that take you out of your comfort zone.

I never imagined what it would be like to spend a 12-hour day crying and covered in blood.

I think, by nature, human beings are curious. And I think that's only amplified as an artist.

It is so funny because I was always embarrassed because I never had formal training in acting.

I think it's very refreshing to see women in cinema having strength and their own independent storyline.

My mom was an artist, and she had this amazing ability to transform everything into something beautiful.

I tried to play sports, which was a disaster and probably one of the reasons I ended up being an actress.

Rag & bone images always reflect the authenticity of the brand. Their images have character and tell a story.

I was obsessed with clowns. My dad had to get rid of them. I thought there were clowns under my bed for years.

My dad would take me deer hunting with him, which was pretty traumatic - 'Bambi' was one of my favorite movies.

Before 'Music and Lyrics,' I was just doing high school plays and singing in my church choir and my school choir.

I prefer clean silhouettes that are almost utilitarian, but I'm not afraid to take risks on the red carpet, either.

I didn't grow up a huge fan of the Western genre because there was never a female character to relate to or look up to.

I think the more experience I have working on films, the more I can shed that character rather than carrying around that heavy weight.

There's always going to be evil, but the way we unite, regardless of class, race, religion, or gender, empowers the goodness in the world.

I was so terrified before an audience that I would break out in these ugly red hives, and my lips would quiver at the sight of a word or a song.

You typically find stereotypical female characters that are people pleasers, where they are wives and girlfriends, typically, who are in the background.

Pace yourself, pace yourself, pace yourself. And take time to rest. I guess if you don't rest and rejuvenate, then you harden, and I don't want to harden.

I didn't have a long-term plan or goal. If there would have been a road map showing me the way to my dreams becoming reality, I might have given it a second thought.

Pioneer women were very tough - they had to be, because the men go off for long periods of time, and the women would have to be able to protect themselves and their homes.

For any actor - not just talking about myself - but if you've been fortunate enough to work for a long period of time, there's going to be different choices you're going to make.

When I'm out the street, I get people whispering behind me, 'Isn't that Jennifer Lawrence?' I should start doing autographs - although if you stood us side by side, you wouldn't make that mistake.

I like to accentuate the feminine form, so I'm a big fan of corsets. A woman's body is beautiful and should be shown off and celebrated. I love a simple and elegant dress that highlights my waist.

I think to try to understand human behavior and why people do what they do, and what in their lives have shaped them and impacted them to be who they are, it's something. I mean, that's my entire life.

You can't sit here and try to predict what kind of character I'm going to be drawn to next. At the time when I read 'The Girl on the Train,' it wasn't like I was, 'Ooh, I want to play a hot mess next.'

There was no time when I lived anywhere longer than two years. I was always a social outcast. Maybe I didn't care what people thought because I was like, 'Well, I probably won't stick around here for too long.'

I think that, a lot of times in Hollywood pictures, the reality, the messy reality of women's lives - it's avoided, because I think people are just afraid of it. There's a standard that women are set to, to try to keep everybody comfortable.

I always wanted to do things on my own terms, and unfortunately in this industry, that's not something that is easily given. You're at the mercy of other people, but then you still have that drive to continue on. That's an equation for a lot of heartbreak.

I lived somewhat of a nomadic life, even when I lived in Ohio. We spent time in rural areas, in suburban areas, never really city areas. We rode four-wheelers. We had pigs and ferrets. And creeks. We had a creek in my backyard. It was like 'Huckleberry Finn.'

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