Have pity on a dinosaur.

It's all over but the crying.

I get whiskey bent and hell bound.

I had a good friend in New York City.

Why don't we all just get a long-neck?

My grandpa taught me how to live off the land.

My daddy, he was somewhere between God and John Wayne.

There is no freedom of speech if you're a conservative.

I'd put Hank Williams picture on one hundred dollar bills.

If you mind your own business, you`ll stay busy all the time.

It was only his fifth offense, and this time he's killed someone.

Good friends, good whiskey, and good lovin', I want to thank you Lord.

Hell, Justin and I even talking about recording a blues song sometime.

America is still a country of choices and options. And I have a lot of them.

No mommy's kisses and no daddy's smile. Nobody wants me, I'm nobody's child.

We say grace and we say ma'am. If you ain't in to that, we don't give a damn.

You can do anything that you wanna do, but uh-uh, don't step on my cowboy boots.

I'd have all the cars made in the Carolinas, and I'd ban the ones made in China.

Somewhere between raising hell and amazing grace, Lord I know just how they feel.

Killed by a man with a switch blade knife, for 43 dollars my friend lost his life.

I'd love to spit some Beechnut in that dude's eye and shoot him with my ole forty-five.

He plead insanity like they do now all the time. Sir, what would you have done in 1859?

The greatest of men, they don't get too big to cry. They just loose faith in love and life.

You've got to want to put out good music. You've got to give the people their money's worth.

When Mother put me out on stage at eight years old, everyone wanted me to be just like Daddy.

I just play the music that I'm gonna play and don't really worry about how people perceive it.

We make our own whiskey and our own smoke, too. Ain't too many things these ole boys can't do.

I got girls that can cook, I got girls that can clean, I got girls that'll do anything between.

Many people don't realize that June Carter Cash was my godmother. She and mother were very tight.

You're singing a song about making love to your drummer, well gay guitar pickers don't turn me on.

The day Elvis passed away would be our national holiday, if the South would have won, we'd had it made.

Old Hank would be proud, and Elvis would too, cause we like our country mixed with some big city blues.

Listen, ladies and gentlemen. America is still a country of choices and options. And I have a lot of them.

I'm for turning off the tube and turning down the light, cause I'm for nothing else but me and you tonight.

Some high society lady said is your horse outside? No ma'am, he's between my legs, but your too fat to ride.

Now if you shoot someone, sir, you can get off Scott free. It's the latest thing Mr. Lincoln, can you believe?

Let me sum it up for ya: We got some people who work for a living, and we got some people who vote for a living.

I love this country and I am very vocal about my thoughts and beliefs. America is the greatest nation on the planet!

I guarantee you there's a bunch of the twentysomethings that don't know that, don't know I play banjo and bluegrass.

We've got a Muslim for a president who hates cowboys, hates cowgirls, hates fishing, hates farming, loves gays and we hate him!

We gotta control inflation, quit spending our money on everything. But this years tax increase, why it's the biggest in history.

The presidents against Congress, the Senate is against the House, people are against politicians, and I'm against cats in the house.

They let dangerous men out of prison now, yes sir, I'm afraid it's so. Cause they're over crowded and it was only his fifth offense.

The bottom line is, between Sonny Osborne and Earl Scruggs, I better know how to play banjo. I had the greatest teachers in the world.

I'm going to try to make happy songs or some political songs, like 'A Country Boy Can Survive' - something people can get excited about.

If they don't have the Grand Ole Opry, like they do in Tennessee, just send me to hell or New York City, it would be about the same to me.

I like metal detecting, collecting Civil War artifacts, fishing, hunting, cigars, Labradors, the outdoor life, my baseball game, football.

Some were beggars, some were kings, and some were masters of the arts. But in their shame they're all the same, these men with broken hearts.

Being a Williams is not easy in this business because the bar is set very high to achieve success. Daddy set some high standards for all of us.

I went and got a tire tool out of my truck, and straightened him out as cold as a block of ice. It was an attitude adjustment, and it'll work every time.

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