Silence is my dignity.

My personal life is also cinema.

I concentrate on doing good projects.

I'm happy with my commercial heroine tag.

I like to collect DVDs of most English films.

The camera and I have always had good chemistry.

Even when I turn 60, they'll call me a child actor.

All actresses, including me, want to look great on screen.

My mom has helped me nurture my interest and hone my talent.

I hate interference, and I don't interfere in others' lives.

Brad Pitt is amazingly talented and equally good-looking, too.

I am only a dog lover, and I have a nice fawn-colored one at home.

Building a home for neglected senior citizens is my long time dream.

The only time my workout goes a little haywire is when I'm travelling.

Asked to choose between money and fame, I'd choose the latter every time.

Everyone has their opinion, and if no one criticizes, how will I improve my work?

I'm worth every penny because I'm a complete professional who does her work well.

Everyone has a breakup in their lives, and I think everyone should experience love.

I think it is very important for all actors to complete their studies side by side.

Whenever I am asked about my personal relationships, I politely reply, 'No comments.'

I'm competing with myself first, as my aim is to improve my performance in every film.

I have painted gods, and goddesses too, and my favourite is Ganesha and Radha Krishna.

I always give importance to scripts first, and remuneration is something that comes later.

In 'Manithan' I did not again play a bubbly thing, but my character was calm and composed.

I can say that I don't compete with others and only with myself because I do so many films.

There is no point in pointing fingers because there are three fingers pointing back at you.

I need to thank my director, producers, and artists as well crew members of all my projects.

I'm very punctual. I wish I could change this about myself because most people around me are not.

My workout involves cardio, jogging, and yoga as well. I am a firm believer of yoga and meditation.

I'm not bothered about what others are doing. All I want to do is excel in whatever it is that I do.

I love Chennai and its people. My mother always tells me, 'You should have been born a South Indian!'

I don't have a favourite romantic scene, but I enjoy romantic movies like 'Ghost' and 'Music and Lyrics.'

Every good movie I watch, the hero becomes my favourite. I start blushing every time a hero romances a heroine.

When I was shooting in Pollachi, I had tried out a lot of local food, most of them I don't remember the names of.

I make it a point to study the character I do, and if the story demands that I wear a particular outfit, I'm game.

People don't know that when there is something running in my mind, I start smiling. If I'm angry, I smile and blush.

I had worked in Hindi films like 'Jaago,' 'Abra Ka Dabra,' 'Koi Mil Gaya,' but 'Desamuduru' was a different experience.

I went around Coimbatore quite often while I was shooting for Velayudham. It's a fascinating place with a lot of energy.

I am a very reserved person and have very few friends in the industry, while most of my close ones are from school and college.

Obviously I will promote 'Vaalu.' It is my film. I am the lead actress in it; I play a major part, and I will promote the film.

I keep going to New York every year for 20 to 25 days. I love it there, but I can't imagine settling in any place other than India.

My mum is my biggest critic. She said I was good for the first film, but I can still be better, and I need to polish my acting skills.

My parents have put in a lot of efforts for me. Whatever I am and wherever I am is because of them. I won't do anything to displease them.

I entered the industry at very young age, and I was like any normal girl at the age of 17 or 18. At that age, most girls are a little plump.

When I turned 21, I started losing weight - again, a normal thing for any girl my age. I did not take a conscious decision to reduce my weight.

I love the ubiquitous idly-dosa combination. In fact, that was my pet name as a kid! In school, I would bug the canteen boys to get me my daily quota of idly!

I watch my films with my mum and other family members, you know. I also know there are thousands of women who watch my films. I don't want to set wrong examples.

'Power' is a very special film for me and is one of the finest films of my career. I have played a character that I have never done before. My role has a lot of comedy.

What's the point of doing a great character in a bad film? Instead, I want audiences to thoroughly enjoy a film and remember my part when they walk out of a cinema hall.

I do feel bad when my films don't do well, but I respect audiences' verdict because they know well which films to support. If they don't like a film, we should accept it.

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