The greatest thing we can possibly gain from this life is the ability ...

The greatest thing we can possibly gain from this life is the ability to love, and to love greatly.

If you have love, you have all

The experiences of life teach truth.

Leaders when not leading are outcasts.

Our dreams are the forgotten path to Heaven.

The secret is this. You make your own happiness.

The quest for God is the quest for true happiness.

As you grow in spirituality, your whole life must improve.

There is a power in people who dream big and who try hard.

Only the brave and adventuresome find God, never the timid.

When you do your best, you are expressing an attribute of God.

One word of love is worth more than a thousand clever speeches.

God's Love is always working to help Soul find its way back home

The way to God is ever within the heart, within the loving heart.

The window of heaven is what all truth seekers are trying to open.

Contemplate sweetly on love, and the wisdom of God shall find you.

Every thought, word, or deed, either purifies or pollutes the body.

What prepares you for the true path of God? The experiences of life.

This is a warring universe. To survive here, one must know its ways.

And where there's pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind.

True contemplation is reflecting on the blessings of God in your life.

When we work from the Soul consciousness, we can shape our own destiny.

The point of any religion should be this: how to open your heart to love.

Abundance flourishes in a grateful heart; gratitude is the secret of love.

Every experience, waking or dream, has a lesson or message to impart to us.

Both the dream state and Soul Travel are doors to the same spiritual worlds.

The love and protection of the Holy Spirit are with you in all spiritual concerns.

An unselfish dream, goal, or service can help us to the height of spiritual living.

Most people think they are searching for truth when they are really searching for love

The choices you've made in the past are the direct cause of all your unhappiness today.

There's a spiritual bond that connects all Souls: human, animal, and lower forms of life.

It’s quite a discipline when we’re in trouble to think of God and say, “I need some help.”

The secret of a balanced life is to live each moment in the right spiritual frame of mind.

There is a way to bring peace and harmony to yourself even in the most difficult of times.

When your day is hard, remember to sing HU. It puts you back in line with the Holy Spirit.

Divine Spirit has a way of doing exactly what is right for everyone concerned at the moment.

We must first give to life if we expect life to give anything in return. This is the divine law.

Love Gratefully. This love expands your heart into a greater vessel which can hold yet more love.

Fill yourself with love. Then you will learn everything you ever need to know about God and life.

Every issue of life is determined not by external conditions and things, but by one's consciousness.

Our memory of dreams is a glimpse of the full spiritual life that each of us leads beyond the physical.

As we unfold spiritually, the reality of our inner life enters new dimensions and we must change with it.

If one gets his life together, there will be enough love and bounty to take care of every avenue of life.

If we want to keep the blessings of life coming to us, we must learn to be grateful for whatever is given.

You know your general purpose is to become a Co-worker with God. So how do you identify your personal goal?

Knowledge can bring many things..but the consciousness of the heart brings love, and love brings everything

The journey home to God is what life is about. In a sense it's not even a journey. It's an ongoing experience.

We are learning to work with intuition, which actually is Soul giving us gentle guidance to make our life better.

Whether you are out in the world, or you're at home, you are simply an instrument of God's love in your universe.

We're using our creativity to learn how to work with Divine Spirit, how to come into harmony with life around us.

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