I am motivated by trying to win trophies.

I'm always disappointed when I don't score.

Whenever I'm on the pitch, I feel confident.

I owe a lot to my family; we're a strong unit.

I play my best football when I'm calm mentally.

I can't remember the last time I went to a club.

Beckham was a great inspiration to me growing up.

I want to keep working hard and looking to progress.

Getting respect from the opposition is a nice thing.

'Harry Brown' is good - and I love 'The Italian Job.'

Tom Brady is a big inspiration and a big idol of mine.

Whenever a new manager comes in you want to impress him.

To go out at Wembley and score is what you dream about as a kid.

I'd love to be captain of Tottenham and hopefully England as well.

Money is a bonus of the job, but it doesn't always make you happy.

I try never to get too high or too low. You have to keep that medium.

Maybe defenders don't always get the recognition like the other players get.

I'm in my own fantasy team as well, so there's quite a bit of pressure on it.

Teams buy players and change managers if they feel they need change at the club.

I'm a very patriotic England fan, actually. I always wore my heart on my sleeve.

When times are down, keep believing, keep working hard, and things will pick up.

All I can do is my best for the team, whether that's from the bench or if I start.

If I can be a role model for kids, then that's fantastic. That's what I want to do.

It is about doing everything you can so your body can perform at the highest level.

I don't want to do all weights. I want to get strong using my core and my natural power.

I want to be a player that does everything he can to reach his ability, and I'll do that.

You come up against challenges in life, and it's how you deal with them that defines you.

As long as there's a vision with the club, and we're not stale, we're going forward as a club.

I love this club, and to be wearing number 10 for Tottenham is amazing for me. I could not resist.

It's the worst feeling in the world - losing, and losing in a final on the big stage is even worse.

I'm in the team to score goals. I try and score as many as I can in the season to help the team out.

I want to go and get more goals, create my chances for the team, and do my best for Tottenham Hotspur.

In football, you have to grow up quickly, and you're generally more mature than other people your age.

I'm 23; I feel older than that, but I feel comfortable. I'm assured of myself, and it's not a problem.

I've always wanted to be a footballer, and I've always believed that's the path I was going to go down.

Vincent Janssen has come in and done very well. He's a great player and different type of player to me.

I want to play every game, as does every player. But sometimes, you just have to listen to the manager.

I take it season by season. I don't like looking too far ahead, because you never know what can happen.

Nine or ten, I like playing both. I like to score goals, and I feel in both positions I can score goals.

When people think Arsenal had a bad season and we've had a good one, yet they still finish above us, it hurts.

I think to progress in major tournaments and to be at your best, you need a big squad, and you need to rotate it.

Obviously, everyone's different, but I love just settling down and having a barbecue with my friends at the house.

When I was growing up, Keane and Sheringham were my idols, and they wore 10. So it was always my dream to wear it.

Maybe when I was younger, people didn't always believe in me; they didn't think I would make it to where I am now.

Watching all the football over the weekend - and having to wait until Monday night to play - gets you ready, gets you firing.

There's no point playing up front just because you want to be the one who scores the goals. Make sure you have a knack for it.

It doesn't always click for a new player in a new team: you don't always go in and hit the ground running and score all the time.

I am quite a calm player. I do have a go at players and refs in the heat of the moment, but I never throw my toys out of the pram.

You have to choose whether to take the money or follow your own ambitions, playing in the best league in the world and winning titles.

I do a lot of body weight stuff, power work, with your legs as well. There are weights involved now and again. There is a bit of mixture.

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