I'd have made a terrible nun.

There are idiots in every crowd.

I've learnt to take care of myself.

There are less opportunities for women.

The world is not always ours to understand.

I do have the roller skates from 'Boogie Nights.'

Courage is being afraid - and going ahead, anyway.

I'd rather be happily single than unhappily married.

I just try to take the best opportunities that I can get.

As a kid, I read 'Peter Pan,' and I really wanted to be him.

I think it might be nice to date someone not in the business.

I am a bit of a Valley girl, so I say 'you know' and 'like' too much.

I like doing yoga. I do yoga three times a week and I do Pilates twice.

I think if you're an actor you kind of have to be willing to look stupid.

Gosh, it's so fun to do a movie where there's nothing dark happening in it.

I like the idea of a family, but I don't know that I'd like to be a single mum.

I think you have to be honest and not try to be somebody that you really aren't.

I wish that there were more female driven films, female-centric films being made.

I watched movies and thought, 'I want to be in movies,' and wanted to be an actor.

I admire those people who hold on to their elegance in old age but I'd rather have fun.

I basically think that I'm a fairly nice, normal person with just a few eccentricities.

Whenever I meet people who seem really sweet and unassuming, I kind of wonder about them.

I try to get 11 or 12 hours of sleep a night. It sounds excessive but that's really what I need.

I'm a good Catholic girl in the way that Madonna is. In the sense that I'm not that good at all.

I practice transcendental meditation and there is a phase where you're meant to lift off the ground.

To be honest, I feel like I think too much. So I like working out because it makes me kind of relax.

The funny thing is, I look at these magazines that make me so insecure and neurotic, but I'm in them!

I've been evaluating how much I value happiness in my life. To be too driven takes away your happiness.

I took karate classes for a few years. Taekwondo. I'd love to do a movie role where I could do some karate.

The ultimate fun is doing nothing. I like doing nothing with people I like - maybe just eating, hanging out and talking.

Bad dogs, she believed, were like most bad children: created by those around them. But then, that was a personal opinion.

I was taught to be demure, so it was harder for me to learn how to stand up for myself and go, 'What do I want? What are my desires?'

It's good to be able to be a leading lady, to be a romantic lead, to play opposite people who are talented, and charismatic and stuff.

I think Korean barbecue is very accessible to Americans because it's sort of similar to something we know, but with different flavours.

I want to be able to fly like a superhero. I won't be happy until I can fly across oceans and cities, saving people from being murdered.

It hurts so good and I feel euphoric after . . . yoga people on a whole are super cool and everyone is there to work on their own thing.

I work out a lot and I do yoga and I do Pilates and I'm kind of athletic. I've taken dance classes, but at the same point I'm just a total klutz.

I used to dress up in my mom's old clothes and play with these kids from the neighbourhood and make up stories: I would pretend that we were all vampires.

I like clothes that make me feel good. My favourite designers include Michelle Jonas and Dolce & Gabbana. Their clothes make me feel as if I'm Sophia Loren - really womanly.

I'd rather look old than look as if I'd had plastic surgery. Sometimes it looks really fake; all people can think about when they look at you is that you've had plastic surgery.

Yeah, 'Feed the Dog' is just a really fun, teenage movie with Nat Wolff and Selena Gomez and all these other great people. It's just so silly-funny, and my character's super-fun.

It would be nice if I did have a good relationship with my family, and yes, part of me longs to have a mum and dad who love and accept me for who I am. But if they never do, it's OK.

I'm a big fan of moisturisers. Sometimes I'll just buy a night-time nourishing cream from The Body Shop, and sometimes I'll splurge on Creme de la Mer. I also love the Alba Botanica range.

Once a week, I spend a day luxuriating in bed. I like staying in my house, pottering around, and maybe cooking or just laying around reading. I love doing yoga and transcendental meditation.

I guess you just feel like there's a whole story that's not being told in movies. You're only seeing the macho guy version of a story that from the woman's side, may be completely different.

I always wanted to be the pretty girl, but I thought I wasn't. When I started acting and getting pretty girl roles, I felt like I was just pretending, and nobody saw I was just this big nerd.

In my own life, I've written scripts that I want to direct, so I would love to take my own creativity in a way where I could tell my own story. That does inspire me, the idea of becoming a director.

I'm not the kind of person who needs to be a mother no matter what. Life brings you people. Maybe I'll nurture someone who's not my child, like a friend, or an actor I'm working with who needs some love.

I think the Olsen twins' line, The Row, has some cool stuff. And I'm kind of obsessed with a clothing line called Stop Staring. It has a lot of vintage-type dresses that are retro '40s and '50s inspired.

I'd like to think I could do something great - a performance like Meryl Streep's in 'Sophie's Choice' - at some point in my life. At the same time, though, I don't want to put too much pressure on myself to be great.

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