I came to Arsenal to stay here.

Representing Spain is very important.

Football is a game of speed and drama.

Football is not just about spending money.

Every generation is more open to new things.

I doubt I'm the fastest player in the world!

I was lucky enough to take a chance on Arsenal.

I've always been pretty quick for my whole career.

People have called me 'lesbian' for growing my hair.

In the beginning, learning a new position is not easy.

It's true, when I was at Barcelona I played as a winger.

When I first came to Arsenal, I didn't know how to defend.

Loads of players love the stock markets. For me, it's fashion.

VAR can remove injustices, but decisions need to be taken faster.

For us, it's always important to improve and keep things realistic.

It's definitely been a hard journey, one with lots of ups and downs.

I've learnt that money comes very quickly, but it leaves even quicker.

For me, Barca was where I grew up since I was tiny, from eight years old.

I don't like the term streetwear. It limits self-expression in my opinion.

To not play in the Champions League is a disappointment, something negative.

You have to play your 'A' game in every single match and that's a good thing.

I don't think there's players who go on the Internet to watch 'Arsenal Fan TV.'

My job is to focus on the pitch, what happens off it is something for my agent.

In life, you should be allowed to express yourself. People are happier like this.

I don't believe that there's a footballer out there that only thinks about football.

My mom and grandma have made clothes their whole life. My grandma had her own factory.

Everyone who has played in the Champions League wants to get back to playing in it again.

I don't get that much time to play, so when I'm with my mates, I usually only play 'CoD.'

In the dressing room I'm seen as the weird one with my style, I think that's a good thing.

What matters is that on the pitch we give the maximum to prove that money is not everything.

Yoga has been done for thousands of years and if people keep doing it, it must mean it works.

My family has always made clothes. Growing up I can remember sewing machines being everywhere.

As footballers we have a massive platform that we should be using way more than we actually are.

When you are asked to play for Arsenal, and for the first-team at that, it is very hard to say no.

Sometimes taking it slowly, taking a player through the paces is the best way to keep him wanting more.

As players, we only get opportunities when players get injured and you never want to see anyone get injured.

I am a football fan, I've watched football my whole life. When my favourite team didn't do well I'd get angry.

I've always had little problems in my ankles when I played very hard games, they'd get very inflamed and stiff.

People should be able to express themselves without feeling threatened. That is true in football, but also in life.

It's nice there are a lot of big clubs that are interested in me, but if one of those is Barcelona, that's special.

When you win you're going to get fans chanting your name and when you don't do great they're going to give you stick.

Arsene Wenger took a lot of inspiration from players, he gave you a lot of freedom. Unai Emery is a bit more tactical.

If I feel there is something to help me recover better or make me a better athlete or player then I will always try it.

I realised as I was getting older, I was eating healthier and healthier, and I realised I didn't really need to eat meat.

My dream when I was at Barca was to play at Camp Nou and I did - just not wearing the shirt I'd expected when I was little.

Obviously, I grew up in Barcelona, and when I watch them play I want them to win. The team are always going to be in my heart.

As a professional athlete you have to be technical with what you eat. You have to make sure your intakes are on point every day.

It's really important to have someone in competition for your position. Because that's the way to make each other a better player.

Everything you do off the pitch always shows so you have to work on yourself physically as well, it's not just working on your touch.

With Arsene, he wanted us to play in the same way regardless of the opponents. The idea was that we could play in our way and beat anyone.

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