This is my own little rock theory: In my mind, Nirvana slayed the hair bands. They shot the top off the poodles.

Citizens United didn't work. Hey, Koch brothers, Karl Rove, Shellgame Adelson: Democracy trumps money sometimes.

I have been an XL fan of Devo since I was in high school in the 1970s. Their records only sound better with time.

I love capitalism. It rewards me for being brave - it awards me for being innovative and thinking out of the box.

The Ruts were a great punk rock band from England whose songs were as excellent as their time together was short.

When you start thinking as far as what's a good photo, unfortunately everything starts looking like a good photo.

I didn't want to work at Pizza Hut and I didn't want to join the Army. So I just decided to go out and be awesome.

August brings into sharp focus and a furious boil everything I've been listening to in the late spring and summer.

Even though I am not hungry when I get up, I try to eat to get me ready for the day. Within an hour of getting up.

No such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time, no such thing as down time. All you got is life time. Go.

And I love the hate mail I get, the unsigned, misspelled letters I get telling me to go back to Russia or wherever.

I got my heart broken. My spirit got shattered and mutilated. I will not be coming back from this. I don’t want to.

I am very ambitious in a way, in that I'm not trying to be the richest guy or whatever. I just really like my work.

Here in this moment we are beautiful, nocturnal creatures and our thoughts and words are jewels guarded by the moon.

Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a hopeless romantic who listens to love ballads and doo-wop songs all the time.

It's hard to keep your backbone straight in America. It's easy to turn into that which you hate, and to get smashed.

America is a rough room and you don't know what might come your way, so you have to be prepared for almost anything.

The opportunity to write for the 'L.A. Weekly' has been one of the better breaks that has come my way in a long time.

I wonder if the guy at the gun store would give me a discount on the bullets I'll need if I told him what I was up to.

Every summer, around late July and into August, I find myself in Europe, performing at any festival that will have me.

We know that in September, we will wander through the warm winds of summer's wreckage. We will welcome summer's ghost.

No time for drug addiction, no time for smoke or booze. Too strong for a shortened life span, I've got no time to lose.

Help me to withstand your beauty as it stands out of reach. Give me the capacity to forget ever having felt your touch.

Being unique is never easy, and often, by the time culture catches up with you, there are only a few people who notice.

'Duck Dynasty' is a ridiculous show, and long may it wave. America and democracy will endure. They've seen a lot worse.

Have you ever heard the expression 'one hot mess?' I think the term was custom-made for the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford.

An appreciation of animals is good for a human, it can lead to a better understanding and respect for all living things.

I will do my best to dodge tonight's depression Hide in sleep Damage myself in dreams Wake up older, slightly more used.

Best not to mix the past with the present. The present paints the past with gold. The past paints the present with lead.

I try to get myself up and moving as early as possible. Optimum is to be on the treadmill while it is still dark outside.

In the worst of times the best among us never lose their moral compass, and that is how they emerge relatively unscathed.

The only thing worse than the Pastor Terry Jones scheduled Koran burning is the fact that he canceled the proposed event.

Hopefully, one enhances [when growing older] his sense of humor. As he approaches 50, he'll need all the humor he can get.

Most of the writers I like just intimidate and humble me but in that there's a good deal of inspiration to be had as well.

With age, life becomes complex and difficult, often fraught with risk on several levels, from the practical to the fiscal.

I always found the Chicago audience to be a smart, fast-moving, violent and cheerful lot, and it's always good to be back.

I guess I am famous in a way. I would rather consider it recognizable - I think that is more logical. I don't feel famous.

Pride is a thing that I have tried to abandon completely. Try as I might, pride still creeps into many of the things I do.

Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.

I've never heard Daft Punk; I've never heard a track of theirs in my life. They're the two guys with motorcycle helmets on?

We are misery-making machines! Homo sapiens has perfected the art of causing suffering. Pain is humankind's collective GDP.

Most poets are elitist dregs more concerned with proving their skill with a dictionary than communicating ideas with impact.

America sold VX nerve gas and anthrax to Iraq for years, even after the Halabja gas attack, which killed thousands of Kurds.

For me, speaking to anyone - on a stage, in an elevator - I am looking for impact and connection. The same goes for writing.

I travel because I want to know. Books and documentaries will only get you so far. If you want to know, you will have to go.

Rock n' roll unchained a nation and revolutionized radio and the record industry, not to mention the motion picture business.

Thank you for touching me. Some of the only moments worth living were spent with you. Not you especially, the collective you.

In my bright, utopian future world, they will hand out college educations like cups of water at the end of the L.A. Marathon.

After I wrapped 'Sons of Anarchy,' I traveled by myself for ten weeks. I started in Jordan and finished in Mali, in Timbuktu.

Michele Bachmann is always a great person to go to for an opinion about anything. She has a very active and interesting mind.

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