To succeed in hockey, you need teamwork.

You can't create a mass market if you don't have a common standard.

I just took it one step at a time and let fate determine my destiny.

We covered every major segment of this broadband communications world.

When we started out, you could design a chip with a few guys in a basement.

I don't try to try to judge people on performance in one short period of time.

I don't know if anybody thought about how much impact the iPhone could have on society.

Long-term career aspirations encompass emotional and intellectual impact of work on society.

The owner's job is to hire the general manager. The general manager's job is to run the hockey team.

Anytime you put a challenge out there, people come up with a creative solution on the software side.

For me, it's almost a 24/7 process. It's not like I only think when I'm in the office sitting at my desk.

Don't make career choices on short-term financial gain. Job satisfaction and career enjoyment are far more important.

We are happy to get great technology from anywhere, and we have eyes and ears that are checking out companies all over.

We need to get smarter about hardware and software innovation in order to get the most value from the emerging Internet of Things.

The Honda Center is a wonderful arena. And it's a great arena, not only for the NHL, but it would be a great arena for an NBA team.

It is always the genuine Teemu Selanne that you're seeing. He never puts on a show. It is Teemu. And that's what we love about him.

For me, it's just a pleasure to be out in the community wearing my Ducks logo on shirts and hats and so forth in representing the team.

You would rather pay $50 a month for a cable modem than a free voiceband modem because of the attractiveness of that broadband connection.

The big advancement in our BCM7445 home gateway chip is that it uses the next-generation compression technology called HEVC - High-Efficiency Video Coding.

Once you used a computer with a broadband connection, you knew you would never be able go back to the old voiceband modem connection - even if it was free.

Passion is what gives meaning to our lives. It's what allows us to achieve success beyond our wildest imagination. Try to find a career path that you have a passion for.

The high-tech business, the semiconductor business, it's very competitive. You're out there every day slugging it out, no different from players slugging it out on the ice.

You're not going to see a wholesale switch over to all 4K by 2K. It will start with one, two, three, four channels, just like high definition (HD) when it was first introduced.

In the 2015 time frame, you'll probably see more mainstream adoption of set-top box technology using UltraHD. We'll start shipping it in 2014, but the volume will take off in probably 2015.

You have to want to put a competitive, Stanley Cup-caliber team on the ice in contrast to wanting to hopefully someday financially break even. So you have to really balance expenses with revenue.

LTE has accelerated faster than most people had anticipated. It really took off very quickly from the time it was introduced. We did have our internal development road map, but we just needed to accelerate it.

Older generations of Wi-Fi weren't quite robust enough to deliver video in the home without breaking up and losing packets and so forth. 5G Wi-Fi gives you extended reach, extended data rates, and more robust coverage.

It's the whole big picture that we have to look at to create an organization that wins over the long term. And to just shoot from the hip on a decision based on winning over a 10-game period. No, that doesn't make sense.

Innovators are developing the ideas and bringing them to life in amazing new applications. All we, as an industry, need to do now is focus on standardizing the interfaces to ensure interoperability - and stand out of the way.

We're seeing a lot of major companies as well as startups coming up with smartwatches that replicate a lot of the functionality you might have in your smartphone. Will it be as big a market as smartphones? Probably not, but it still can be a very substantial market.

Just getting young kids excited about hockey, then they'll want to skate, they'll want to start joining junior leagues, they'll want to play in high school, etc., so we're trying to expand at all levels. That's good for the sport, and it's good for the Ducks long term.

Chips will continue to shrink, of course. We, along with other semiconductor companies, are continuing to push toward the next goal of 10 nm, but going beyond 10 nm will require the development of new technologies, materials, and manufacturing processes that are still being perfected.

A team may have some great players, but typically, the team that works best together does the best. I look at running Broadcom in the same way. We have a culture where people have different skill sets, but they are happy to leverage their skills to help others and to help the company.

Analog components don't 'scale' as well as digital components, but integrating them into relatively mature 28 nm platforms will accelerate the connection of everything from watches, personal healthcare, and home appliances to automotive, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing, and industrial controls.

I'm a perfectionist. And that's served me very well in my career. It allows me to handle these large, complex problems without letting things fall through the cracks... That is the mentality you have to have to attack these complex problems of chip design, for example, when you're overwhelmed with complexity.

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