You won't discover the limits of the soul, however far you go.

Justice will overtake fabricators of lies and false witnesses.

Under the comb, the tangle and the straight path are the same.

All things come out of the one, and the one out of all things.

Ever-newer waters flow on those who step into the same rivers.

The universal cosmic process was not created by any god or man.

Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.

What is divine escapes men's notice because of their incredulity.

No one that encounters prosperity does not also encounter danger.

Hide our ignorance as we will, an evening of wine soon reveals it.

Because it is so unbelievable, the Truth often escapes being known.

Wisdom is the oneness of mind that guides and permeated all things.

It would not be better if things happened to men just as they wish.

The Cosmos was not made by gods but always was and is eternal fire.

Time is a child playing with droughts. The lordship is to the child.

Opposition brings concord. Out of discord comes the fairest harmony.

The unexpected connection is more powerful than one that is obvious.

Men that love wisdom must be acquainted with very many things indeed.

Things of which there is sight, hearing, apprehension, these I prefer.

People ought to fight to keep their law as to defend the city s walls.

The people must fight on behalf of the law as though for the city wall.

Eyes and ears are poor witnesses to people if they have uncultured souls.

Knowledge of divine things for the most part is lost to us by incredulity.

God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger.

All men have the capacity of knowing themselves and acting with moderation.

Even sleepers are workers and collaborators in what goes on in the Universe.

Even sleepers are workers and collaborators on what goes on in the universe.

Men who love wisdom should acquaint themselves with a great many particulars.

All things come into being through opposition and all are in flux like a river

Eternity is a child playing, playing checkers; the kingdom belongs to a child.

The awake share a common world, but the asleep turn aside into private worlds.

If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not recognize it when it arrives.

Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.

You may travel far and wide but never will you find the boundaries of the soul.

Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Nothing endures but change.

Though wisdom is common, yet the many live as if they had a wisdom of their own.

Whoever cannot seek the unforeseen sees nothing for the known way is an impasse.

It is difficult to fight against anger; for a man will buy revenge with his soul.

The Lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither reveals nor conceals, but gives a sign

There is harmony in the tension of opposites, as in the case of the bow and lyre.

It is better to hide ignorance, but it is hard to do this when we relax over wine.

Everything flows and nothing abides. Everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.

The wise is one only. It is unwilling and willing to be called by the name of Zeus.

Men who wish to know about the world must learn about it in its particular details.

Lifetime is a child at play, moving pieces in a game. Kingship belongs to the child.

Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.

It is weariness to keep toiling at the same things so that one becomes ruled by them.

The chain of wedlock is so heavy that it takes two to carry it - and sometimes three.

Men who are lovers of wisdom [i.e., philosophers] must be inquirers into many things.

When men dream, each has his own world. When they are awake, they have a common world.

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