Cheat meals? I love cheat meals.

I'm a 'blue sky thinker' and dream big.

I like going on adventures or excursions.

I would like to go back to school, potentially.

Everything I do is for a gold medal for this country.

Just having the hunger to continue to learn motivates me.

I believe in lifestyle changes to accommodate a healthy living.

I golf for my own entertainment and my teammates' entertainment.

Whatever I do, I want to impact people's lives in a positive way.

I love cheeseburgers; I love fries, cheese curds, the list goes on.

Equality should be a thing we don't even have to talk about anymore.

I have to eat a lot more in the summer because I'm burning more calories.

Both of my parents have loved and supported me from my very first strides.

Now I can give back and be a role model and an advocate for women in sport.

I try to get a well-balanced diet with a mix of greens, protein, and carbs.

In my first two world championship experiences, I barely saw the ice at all.

The real answers aren't in textbooks; they can be found through experiences.

I hope one day I will be able to play in a game in the NHL, not just practice.

I don't think any game means less than the other ones. You always want to win.

My dad was traveling a lot, but when he would come home and cook, he'd cook pizza.

Scoring two goals to win a game will hurt an opponent more than a punch in the face.

I'm trying to change up the pace in which I approach life so I'm not always go, go, go.

I absolutely love music. Music is so powerful and can set the tone and change your mood.

As long as I still love the game and I can contribute to a team, I'd love to keep playing.

The Olympics are a completely different beast. It's the most magical moment of your career.

Whenever you go into a game, you want to win, and you want to come out victorious in any way.

You have to lose to win a silver medal, so that's always the tough thing to wrap your head around.

I absolutely have loved my career path and everything that I've done personally, but it was tough.

People don't know how fantastic women's ice hockey is. People don't know how fantastic hockey is in general.

Strong is beautiful. I want to shatter that stereotype that strong isn't beautiful, because it absolutely is.

Going into a locker room that's not even yours to begin with is certainly like you're entering the lion's den.

For lunch, I usually have a burrito or burrito-style bowl with rice, beans, a little cheese, avocado, and tomato.

The song 'I Feel the Earth Move' brings me back to those younger years when I was taking my first strides on the ice.

Fortunately, I have some amazing partners that I work with that continue to support me and enable me to unleash the best me!

When I was 5, I'm like,' I'm doing this,' whether there's women's ice hockey, men's ice hockey, whatever it was in my future.

'Playing like a girl' was used as a demeaning term instead of an empowering one. I am proud to be a girl and rocking the ice.

Girls are breaking barriers and boundaries every day in everything from sports and science to business and the creative arts.

Whenever you get Brianna Decker on the ice, and Emily Field and Amanda Pelkey, people are just going to go fast and push the pace.

Growing up, and the way that the media portrays, you're supposed to look a certain way. Muscles aren't beautiful. Muscles aren't feminine.

Being surrounded by great women and amazing role models and good teammates allowed me to unfold and evolve into the person that I am today.

When I was 5 years old, I told my grandmother I was going to play hockey in the Olympics. Fifteen years later, I competed in my first Olympics.

Obviously, different people identify me as the face of women's hockey and whatnot, but like my teammates, I'm just there to perform and compete.

I love going to the movies, whitewater rafting in the summer when I am home in Idaho, biking in the summer in Idaho, paddle boarding in the summer.

I think you are a product of the environment you surround yourself in, and everything you've experienced is a part of you and the fabric you are in.

I think, as an athlete, you tend to be cautious of your body language and what you're doing on the ice. That might be the only moment someone sees you.

I think having a strong female figure in my mom as an in-house role model was huge and really motivated me to continue to pursue my passion and my dreams.

Here I am just trying to fund myself to play a sport, but the greater picture is that I'm a female athlete really pushing the envelope for women in sports.

The songs that are on my playlist find themselves there because I can identify with the lyrics, or they have some magical transformative power in the beat.

I think my role on a team is I love to put the puck in the back of the net. If that opportunity presents itself, and it happens for me, I get really excited.

I remember coming out of college thinking, 'OK, I'm gonna get an agent, and I'm gonna make money. I'm gonna make millions of dollars.' And that never happened.

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