I had never dreamt of acting.

I am a huge fan of Aamir Khan.

I am a human, and I fear flops.

Pooja Bhatt is a very good director.

My nasal voice has given me recognition.

Music is my first love, as it's in my blood.

I am shy. People misconstrue it as arrogance.

I don't have the temperament of being a director.

I have a collection of caps, but I never count them.

I don't use conventional voices for my compositions.

I eat four times a day. The evening snacks are a must.

I do heavy workout for one-and-a-half hours every day.

As a singer, I always try to keep my music videos clean.

I work out a lot, and I had to control my diet to be fit.

I relish tea, but I am not an addict. Twice a day is fine.

I don't pick up fights casually. I fight for what is right.

Just praise is not enough; you've got to get work to survive.

I have always believed in reinventing myself and taking risks.

I knew that I couldn't afford to go wrong with the music of 'Karzzz.'

I love all kinds of caps and hats, but my favourite is the baseball cap.

The cap that I wear on a particular day depends purely on my dress code.

My hobby is my profession, and therefore, I keep on composing creatively.

I make singers sing every note fully and wait till they hit the right note.

A lot of planning goes into ensuring that every project becomes a super hit.

I always believe that it is destiny and divine intervention that are with me.

Quite often, when I am recording a song or getting ready for a concert, I pray.

I am very conscious of first sampling the music and then getting it out for fans.

I love challenges, as it breaks the monotony and takes me out of my comfort zone.

When I sang in 'Aashiq Banaya Aapne,' I never imagined the song would be such a rage.

I am only 30, and music is like a subject for me. I work like a student in every film.

I acted in 'Aap Kaa Surroor,' which did well. But after that, films didn't work for me.

I have experimented with various genres of music, whether its rock, pop, slow songs, etc.

It is important for children to learn, whether they want to pursue music or any other field.

Audiences are not interested in watching singers who stand stiffly and sing for three hours.

I love Bollywood, I love films, and I like to push myself, which motivates me to work harder.

Big producers trust the music directors. Small directors are insecure but like to experiment.

Everything that I have earned in my life is just because of my guruji and his omnipotent blessing.

Critics said I am nasal, but my fans made me hit. So I will not stop singing if critics don't like me.

Whatever my singing aspirations are, you'll hear them in 'Aap Ka Suroor.' It's no run-of-the-mill album.

When I started singing, people said I couldn't sing because I was a music director. I proved them wrong.

Just being around Salman Khan, who is so energetic and humorous at the same time, is always entertaining.

Before I got the desired effect in my voice, I trained in classical music under my father for several years.

Never take your critics lightly. You must always try to win them over by your hard work. Don't brush them off.

To be good in playback, you need to modulate your voice and sing with an accent that can provide some freshness.

Salman Khan gave me a break, and that proved to be a boon. By the grace of God, my first song was a blockbuster.

Salman Khan has the fittest body for the last 25 years. He looks younger each passing year. He inspires me a lot.

Nowadays, everyone is sporting a tattoo, so the uniqueness of having one is gone unless you have an original tattoo.

I know there are many great talents, much more talented than I am, but they haven't been able to achieve what I have.

When my father is happy with my music, I know I have done something good, and there is no question of generation gap.

A singer doesn't sing at home: he or she wants his songs to reach out the audience. Audience always gives you your due.

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