I have done a lot of TV shows.

I love talking, even to strangers.

I can't sit idle, as I love to work.

As an actor, I want to explore films.

I have always wanted to get into Bollywood.

I do cardio once in the morning or evening.

U.P. gives me very positive vibes as an artist.

I am a complete workaholic and hate sitting idle.

I don't think I will be able to quit small screen.

Luckily, I don't have a sweet tooth nor I eat rice.

It was a great experience working in 'Nach Baliye.'

On TV, one hardly gets opportunities to experiment.

Yes, I was married once, before Gauri entered my life.

Divorce isn't the best thing that can happen to anyone.

I will never say that I'm quitting television for films.

You need to look lean. Luckily, I am not on heavier side.

I take life as it comes and am a chilled out kind of guy.

Frankly, I just come to the sets, complete my work and go away.

If something interesting comes in terms of lead roles, I am game for it.

When I joined 'Kumkum,' I was excited because the character had grey shades.

It wasn't a conscious decision to pick only positive roles. Things just fell into place.

For films, like my serials, I am looking for roles that help me evolve in the character.

One should work out for a fit body, energy and stamina, too and not just to lose weight.

I think when you play a negative character you cannot restrict yourself. You can go wild.

People are ready to take good actors, irrespective of whether he is a TV actor or a filmstar.

There are many factors that make a serial hit or flop, but what is important is the character.

I am living my childhood with my kids, although it's true that responsibilities have increased.

I am going to oblige all my TV commitments, and if films work out, I will make a graceful exit.

The kind of love and appreciation that I get each day is because of the characters I play on TV.

No one likes to play grandfather, especially when you are a father of two toddlers in real life.

Actors can lose their jobs easily, so we need a back-up plan, an alternate business to fall back on.

I am a good father in real life, that's why I'm able to play a good father on screen so convincingly.

I'd beg to differ from the common perception that real-life soul mates don't make a good pair on camera.

With TV, you don't get much time to prepare. It's all done that day itself, on the set. Shoot, and leave.

Nothing can match the feeling you get when you finally get something after waiting for it for a long time.

When I get a role similar to the ones I have played earlier, I try to do something different with the part.

I eat a proper breakfast with green tea, boiled eggs and muesli or oatmeal after my 45-minute daily workout.

Through 'Bigg Boss' I got a chance to meet 18 different kinds of people and have now learnt to deal with them.

Whenever I get time from my TV shoots, say 10-15 days at a stretch, that's when I complete shooting for films.

Swayamvar' is one of the most anticipated and sought after shows on television and I am elated to be a part of it.

I used to work for 14 to 15 hours. But since I have got married, Gauri is very strict that I should get home by 10 P. M.

With cinema it's a different ballgame, you really don't know how the audience will react, so one has to tread carefully.

Frankly speaking, I feel anyone who starts acting, be it in theater, TV, or even advertisements, is looking at Bollywood.

Bigg Boss' is kind of a real world and now I've figured out a way to deal with things in the outside world in a better way.

Reality show was an option and so we did 'Nach Baliye.' Looking back, the journey was very nice, with lots of ups and downs.

There is no doubt that the sets are unhygienic but you really can't do much about it because we have to shoot, come what may.

Since I used to be busy with my work, it was just Gauri who would look after both the children. She has been a marvellous mother.

I worked in 'Ghar Ek Mandir,' 'Kaahin Kissi Roz' and 'Kabhi Sauten Kabhi Saheli,' but it was 'Kutumb' which was the turning point.

It's not that we try and work together, people want to see us together. When Gauri gets some serial, it's not that I have to do it.

There is a constant projection of stereotypes and 'saas-bahu' sagas that keep getting popular as opposed to some experimental storylines.

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