I was born in Oklahoma.

We think big and we dream big.

I fell in love with Instagram.

It's hard being in the public eye.

I've had cystic acne; I've had it all.

I have had my fair share of nights out.

As a kid, I never felt attractive at all.

One of my favorite drugstore brands is NYX.

Sometimes, you really need to trust your gut.

I can spend a minimum of $4,000 a month on makeup.

Huda Beauty is doing so well, we've grown like crazy.

I realized that my purpose really is to inspire people.

Being happy, being healthy, is the most important thing.

I love seeing people being more daring with their makeup.

Anytime I think about my office, I think about creativity.

There's something sexy about a lip with a hint of red in it.

I love a full face of contour, lashes, lip liner - everything!

As long as I can be physically healthy, I don't mind being curvy.

I feel like I've mixed my Middle Eastern and Western loves together.

Over the years, I've really put in the time to achieve flawless skin.

I can't promote makeup on Instagram if I don't believe in the product.

I get Botox and fillers; I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

The more focused you are, the more powerful you will be in the long run.

I think my story relates. When I started out, all I had was my passion and grit.

The power of cosmetics and the effect they can have on one's happiness and confidence is very real.

The Dior Show Maximizer, the lash plumper, is one of my favorite products that I've used for so long.

For the longest time, I just felt like I had to be really, really harsh to be taken seriously as a CEO.

I like to think limitlessly, and you can't be limitless if you're constantly looking at best practices.

This sounds really weird, but I feel like God has given me so many beauty dilemmas so I can help people.

We know now data is so powerful, and you can learn so much about yourself and creating product with data.

A lot of beauty brands, they'll really infiltrate the States. But going out of the States, they struggle.

I would never buy skin care from a makeup brand - full transparency. It feels like the opposite of makeup.

The minute you decide to do what you love to do, you have made a life plan for yourself and a career choice.

I have the worst skin ever. If I don't take care of it religiously, I break out every single time without fail.

To scale your business, you need to delegate responsibilities to others and establish a strong company culture.

The eyes are so telling. That's how you engage with people and bond with them. I love direct, strong eye contact.

If I'm asking people to spend money on Huda Beauty products, I have to genuinely believe we have created the best.

I spend the majority of my time in the office and I usually wear a casual bandage dress and flip-flops or slippers.

In the Middle East, I can't walk down the street without being recognized. In the States, I'm totally fine going out.

I'm so in love with Chanel's perfume bottles. I grew up seeing my mom use Chanel No. 5, so it's quite sentimental to me.

With Huda Beauty Angels, we're investing a portion of our personal family wealth to women-led brands that we believe in!

I want to shake things up, I want people to talk about it. It's really important that our brand flips the industry upside.

Personally I've always given people make-up advice and talked about beauty products because that's what I'm passionate about.

Our goal at Huda Beauty is to inspire anyone and everyone to create their own idea of beautiful with all of the products we offer.

I definitely understand a lot of what I want and what I don't want. I'm very clear on that, and I think that's been very beneficial.

Being from the Middle East paired with my upbringing in the United States had pretty polarising effects on the way I perceive beauty.

I ended up moving to Dubai and going into finance after college because of family pressure. I was trying to love it, but I just didn't.

My husband and I love the saying, success is not owned. It's rented, and rent is due every single day, and I really and truly believe that.

I don't think I knew what 'Vogue' was as a child. I grew up in a little town in Tennessee, so that wasn't something we ever would think of.

Makeup and beauty is essentially art so I really can't say that I dislike any trend. I love seeing innovation and creativity. It feeds my soul!

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