You can't have a motion without a debate.

Nearly all Italian officers speak French.

During my first month in Italy I lived a nomadic life.

A wretched disheartening result. And a little mouse shall lead them.

Unilateralism is not internationalism, It is nationalist egotism gone mad.

He is loyal to his own career but only incidentally to anything or anyone else.

Are not the worst examples of architecture to be found in private enterprise in cheap jerry-built homes?

I myself share with the Conservative Party a profound dislike for such fandangles as proportional representation.

The Board of Trade Make Do and Mend campaign is intended to help you get the last ounce of wear out of all your clothes

One of the most important of all the causes of great inequality of income is the inheritance of a great fortune by a small minority.

Some people say 'what would happen if we had a Communist Chancellor of the Exchequer?' I would ask in reply, 'what would happen if he had a lot of Fascist or Mosleyite bank chairmen?' In that event it might be thought disadvantageous to have publicity.

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