Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.

Perfectionism is slow death.

Don't strive for love, be it.

There is no place love is not.

We become what we look at most.

I'd rather be happy than right.

Don't fight a fact, deal with it.

Moods should be heard but never danced to.

Today I don't want to live for, I want to live.

My trouble is I analyze life instead of live it.

Whenever we condemn, we cloak the world in pain.

When I have listened to my mistakes, I have grown.

It is enough that I am of value to somebody today.

Tomorrow is shallow, but today is as deep as truth.

We are all saying the same thing in different words.

My only sure reward is in my actions, not from them.

'Fault' means failure to meet a standard. Whose? Mine.

Live as if everything you do will eventually be known.

If a man takes off his sunglasses I can hear him better.

It is only in helping someone else to awake that I awake.

A messy mortal is my friend. Come walk with me in the mud.

Happiness is a present attitude and not a future condition.

No matter what we talk about, we are talking about ourselves

If I work toward an end, meantime I am confined to a process.

My prayer is: I will be what I will be, I will do what I will do.

Unless I accept my faults, I will most certainly doubt my virtues.

It seems that the truth is needed today is always a lie by tomorrow.

I like a man with faults, especially when he knows it. To err is human

There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen.

Why choose to be right instead of happy when there is no way to be right?

Maturity is wanting nothing but what we see with the purity of our heart.

A whole mind cannot create chaos. A conflicted mind can create nothing else.

Because the results are unpredictable, no effort of mine is doomed to failure.

I talk because I feel, and I talk to you because I want you to know how I feel.

There is nothing more painful than walking around with bitterness in your heart.

Letting people in is largely a matter of not expending the energy to keep them out.

Now that I know that I am no wiser than anyone else, does this wisdom make me wiser?

An argument is always about what has been made more important than the relationship.

Every moment that I am centered in the future I suffer a temporary loss of this life.

Forgive and be happy. That is the ancient secret?the only wisdom ever to be attained.

I will be what I will be - and I am now what I am. Here is where I will devote my energy.

If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire must be not to write.

Whenever I find myself arguing for something with great passion, I can be certain I'm not convinced.

I don't need a "reason" to be happy. I don't have to consult the future to know how happy I feel now.

It's not that "today is the first day of the rest of my life," but that now is all there is of my life.

I must act now without knowing the results. Thus, I give my actions their only possible meaning for me.

There are people whose feelings and well-being are within our influence. We can never escape this fact.

Letting go is freedom. When you find yourself in a useless battle, you merely walk off the battlefield.

We are the only authority on what is good for us. Once we see this, we feel an enormous peace and freedom.

Happiness is gentleness, peace, concentration, simplicity, forgiveness, humor, fearlessness, trust, and now.

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