I love flying planes.

I'm in my dream world.

I am blessed beyond belief.

I was addicted to playing music.

Albums are chapters. They're part of a story.

All the people I hung out with were musicians.

Thank you to country radio for believing in me.

I don't believe in making a record and rushing it.

I just love music gear, I'm a total geek all around.

If I could make noise with anything, I was going to.

Dream as big as you want because they come true everyday

There's so much more to life than what you're feeling now

Like a wave on the ocean I will always come right back to you.

When you hear his music, mine will all of a sudden make sense.

I am a huge, huge Ronnie Milsap fan. I have been for a long time.

A good album can make your day. A great album can change your life.

Don’t be afraid to do something different Dare to be something more.

I grew up in a fun-loving environment - you work hard and play hard.

When I was in high school, I had binders with pictures of tour buses.

I'm a nerd. Total geek. I never went to homecoming or prom or anything.

I want people to say about me, 'I know he's making music because he loves it.'

My favorite song depends on the day, what I'm going through, what I'm feeling.

My favorite song depends on the day, what I’m going through, what I’m feeling.

All my band members were old enough to be my dad. It was like this family vibe.

I could be myself. I'm very shy and awkward. I think the best thing is to embrace it.

I don't even have a type, I don't think. My type is just whoever can get along with me.

Singing live is my favorite. When people sing along to your songs, the circle is complete.

Anytime I can go fly for a few hours, I go. It's stressful and stress-relieving at the same time.

My dad said 'When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life,' and I agree with that.

I'm not a photographer, so I need all the help I can get when it comes to make a picture look cool.

There's a lot of people I'd like to write with, like Keith Urban or even as far out as Stevie Wonder.

All I knew when I moved to Nashville was that I wanted to make music in whatever shape and form I could.

The rule of songwriting: say what you want to say, say it again, say it a different way, then say it again.

I write for myself. I don't write because I have a record coming out. I write because I want to. I need to.

Crowded hallways, are the loneliest places, for outcasts and rebels,or anyone who just dares to be different.

I believe when you meet the right person it clicks, and you both know and you start making it work, you know?

I am grateful I got the chance to meet Stevie Wonder! He's like royalty to me and is one of my biggest inspirations.

I've got a lot of dreams I want to achieve, and I hope someone can cheer me on as I'll cheer them on in their dreams.

Encore' was an experiment. 'Encore' was the second chance at a first impression. 'Encore' was not completely planned.

'Encore' was an experiment. 'Encore' was the second chance at a first impression. 'Encore' was not completely planned.

Anyone who tells you they're not nervous playing on the CMAs stage, I'm afraid they're not telling you the whole story.

As a new artist - I don't care who you talk to - I think everyone would agree, it's hard to get your expectations right.

Any time I write a new song, I am jazzed about it for like 24 hours and then I am over it and want to write another one.

In any city or town, you can find a good, rocking Italian place. The most unhealthy thing on the menu? I'll have two of those!

My first instrument was an accordion. Growing up in Louisiana, my grandmother gave me an accordion because of our Cajun heritage.

I truly believe that when you've found the one you're searching for, you become a better version of yourself. You're better for it.

To be the name on somebody's shirt that they've made themselves in preparation for one of your shows - it doesn't get much cooler than that.

I am, by nature, a guitar player... I learned all of these other instruments around that, and around the theory that I built learning the guitar.

Yes, I did lock myself in my room for about two years and write some songs and things like that. But I don't feel like I missed out on a whole lot.

At 22, there’s a lot of trying to figure out love, which at the end of the day, I’ve realized I’ll never figure out, though the process of trying is fun.

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