I always like to sing barefoot.

The cold never bothered me anyway.

I would love to work with Matt Damon.

Nerves are good. They keep you alive.

I'm a decent tennis player. Good backhand.

The most successful people are so original.

As a mom, I don't have much time for beauty.

Being a role model is about being true to myself.

The first album I ever owned was 'A Star is Born.'

Things happen for a reason, and in their own time.

I'm smart enough to know to work with smart people.

The truth is I love musical theater and always have.

The truth is I love musical theatre and always have.

I just enjoy being onstage and relating to the audience.

I tend to have a pattern of playing misunderstood characters.

When you sit back and you just do what you love, things happen

I like to originate new roles and characters for musical theater.

I always use my husband's cocoa butter stuff. He has amazing skin!

The one who tried too hard, the outsider, the oddball. Yeah, that was me.

I would like to get another job in London or tour there. I miss my friends.

Not like [Adele Dazeems] going to follow me around for the rest of my life.

I'm trying to focus on original material. That is what I've had my luck with.

As I get older, I realize all I've done is sing and act and hone those skills.

My story is so boring: Long Island Jewish parents take their daughters to Broadway.

I'd love to open a camp focusing on the arts accessible to kids from all income brackets.

There are lots of things I'm acquainting myself with now to be a more well-rounded person.

I will never leave the theater. My heart is there and I love being on stage eight times a week.

I started singing weddings and bar mitzvahs at 15, lying about my age. It was a great discipline.

I don't quite know how to put it into words, but I feel for the audience that I have; I know them.

The cool thing is that, unlike film, the theatre roles for women get better and better as you get older.

I don't think I ever really knew the right words to 'Hava Nagilah,' which isn't great for a Jewish singer.

Everybody thinks it's going to be so glamorous, so cool, you're on 'Glee,' you know, a hit show or whatever.

Who am I, if I'm not this singer with big high notes? I identify with my voice. But I'm more than just the acrobatics.

It's the face and the body and the thing that we hide inside that can keep us from the world, but my voice is my voice.

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small, and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all.

For me, 'Rent' was all about coming out of myself, finding out who I was, learning the power I could have as a performer.

I pretty much have no life outside of the theatre. I go home every night, and I put the TV on, and I veg out and order food.

They're always so serious, the orchestras, you know? It's always a fun contrast of that song and the genre of music. And me.

I'm more comfortable revealing myself than hiding behind metaphors. I respond to artists who reveal something of themselves.

Everything's always about being homogenized and following in a group. The people who stand out always have the most problems.

It's been a dream of mine to run my own summer camp. I went to one as a kid, and I put on productions, and got lots of confidence.

I was once an extra in a Bruce Springsteen video where they did a live performance video at Tramps. I forget the name of the song.

I'm a mom - I'm lucky if I get to shower in the morning. Luckily, nail polish stays on my toes. I've been so bad on the upkeep, though.

A lot of my fans are young and hip and enjoy my pop album and know the lyrics to those songs as well, which is a real compliment to me.

The intensity of being in front of all these incredible musicians and tremendous conductors in these elaborate halls can be overwhelming.

I definitely use my music to kind of alleviate my stress and get me through specific moments in time where I'm just being really tough on myself.

I find that, maybe because I'm also a singer, I hear music in characters all the time, even if they don't sing. I hear what affects me in my heart.

For singers, I believe we can sing in a lot of keys. I know I have this big range, but the point is to find a key that emotionally connects people.

My favorite thing of all time is a New York City when there's a blizzard. Everything gets really quiet, and everyone goes to the movies and the park.

The sky in Texas is the most amazing sky in the whole country, I think, like you can see more sky in Texas than you can see anywhere else in the world.

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