I don't like video games.

I can do whatever I want.

To me, rapping is an art.

I used to be an angry person.

I'm a people person. I'm a hugger.

I don't want to be predictable at all.

Keep feeding yourself with positivity.

I've been doing music since sixth grade.

When I got to college I finally got a job.

I've been doing music for the longest time.

I threw all my clothes away from high school.

If somebody scores on me, I'm going to be mad.

It don't matter who scores; we just got to win.

I don't want the attention. I want the respect.

You should dress so that somebody remembers you.

I live a real life so I forget to take pictures.

Having a routine makes for a better professional.

It's hard to want to let somebody into your house.

I like Batman, I like basketball, and I like to rap.

I ain't got time to pay somebody to drive my vehicle.

I always liked crop tops after I saw it on 'Fresh Prince.'

My brother's been cutting my hair since I was in 7th grade.

The way I rap isn't about me boasting. Rarely will I do that.

The way I have played throughout my career has been sporadic.

Ever since I was little, I wanted to win the NBA championship.

I need music all the time - just to get my vibe where I want it.

I'm conscious about what I wear, whether it's a game or an event.

I can't have people always having their opinions floating my way.

I can't begin to try to articulate the competitive nature I possess.

I have an Instagram [account] but I don't feel a lot of love with it.

I like to paint pictures with words, 'cause I can't draw for anything.

I always wanted to dress up like Darth Maul.So I designed my own kilt.

It's cool to be on a team where we don't know who's going to score it.

I don't feel like you should promote personally that you dress nicely.

I'm playing basketball. It's my dream job. So I'm a pretty happy camper.

If I bring positive energy to the court, most times, I can get that back.

Because of what I've saved, I don't really have a lot of worries about money.

No one else on the team in college was dressing up. They were wearing sweats.

I want a woman to walk past and say, "I would love to be in a picture with him."

I was like, you know, if you want to be someone big, you have to dress the part.

Maybe somewhere down the line when I'm done playing, I'd want to style NBA players.

I don't think I have whatever that thing is that makes some athletes bad with money.

Usually, if I do a good job in the plus/minus category, I know I've had a good game.

I never said to myself, 'Get to the NBA, be an All-Star, make a $100 million contract.'

Tyson [Chandler] encouraged me and was like, if that's what you want to wear, wear that.

It doesn't matter because I want to be that guy who you never know what I'm going to wear.

All the time, I play with a rhythm; if I'm too far out of the rhythm, I feel out of place.

By the time I got to the league I knew the cameras were going to be there and to turn it on.

I designed it, the tailors wanted the kilt as a high joint but I wanted mine low like a Jedi.

I think I am a good help defender as well as just bringing a lot of communication to the floor.

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