It doesn't cost a thing to smile.

Either you're a hater or a lover.

Chaos isn't good for your health.

Your real job in this world is to be you.

Everybody has their own path. I got mine.

I choose to be authentic in everything I do

What did not demolish me simply polished me.

There's a million ways to make people happy.

I cant control everything, and I dont need to

There are rules but there's really no wrong way.

What tried to demolish me, I allowed to polish me.

If you create the game, then you create the rules.

I'm a Libra, I always have two sides of everything.

In a world of smoke and ashes, you are milk and honey

When I perform, I'm just very much just being myself.

The truth, it needs no proof. Either it is or it isn't.

Go on and love yourself, cause everything's gonna be alright.

Strength, courage &'s been inside of me all along.

My body is beautiful and sacred, and I'm going to celebrate it.

The thing that makes me most vulnerable is romantic relationship.

If I'm not doing anything to make a change, then I'm responsible.

Tolerance is the seed, and the gift of pure acceptance is the tree

I think it's OK that everyone's not real heavy and wordy and heady.

The worst disease in the world is hate. And the cure for hate is love.

In the quest for fortune and fame...don't forget about the simple things.

No matter what anybody says, what matters most is what you think of yourself.

The difference between living and feeling alive, is using your fear as fuel to fly.

Some people just don't like to be their self. I'm always looking, analyzing myself.

It's not fair that people ignore AIDS in Africa because it's Africa. It's not fair.

A person's either responsible for themselves or we're all responsible for each other.

Life is a journey, not a destination; there are no mistakes, just chances we've taken.

The only thing constant in the world is change, that's why today I take life as it comes.

I'm not just making rhymes and making melodies. I'm expressing my true life force, energy.

I'm still afraid of things, obviously - we're human. But I like that feeling of being afraid.

I feel very strongly in my opinion that everyone is responsible to themselves for what they do.

In reality, on the grand scale, in my opinion... we are actually all responsible for each other.

If you give me half a chance. I'll prove this to you. I will be patient, kind, faithful and true.

In the music industry it's just you're either Black or white, and this is the box you get put in.

You're only human. Let's break free of this gravity of judgment And fly high on the wings of forgiveness.

Success is clarity of my intention....and reaching that intention while being true to myself and with joy.

Any time someone is passionate about a cause, it's because they want to heal something inside of themselves.

There's hope. It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. You better thank God for that.

I like when a teenager comes and talks to me on the street. I've been through a lot and I have a lot to share.

The thing that makes me feel most alive is knowing that there's something that I have to do that I'm afraid of.

What is socially irresponsible, once again, is just all my opinion. But there are things that I don't think are cool.

Things that I'm afraid to do are always about being afraid of being exposed. Every time, that's what it's always about.

If he ever left me, I wouldn't even be sad; no, 'cause there's a blessing in every lesson, and I'm glad that I knew him at all.

I'm passionate about the empowerment and healing of girls and women. Where I do the most work in that regard is in my songwriting.

It's in my music, and its on my mind all the time. To spread love, healing peace and joy is my mission in life - and so I speak up.

I am not my hair I am not this skin I am not your expectations, no I am not my hair I am not this skin I am the soul that lives within.

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