When you make an omelet, as when you make love, affection counts for more than technique.

Aphrodite is about lust and gluttony - the only two sins worth committing, in my opinion.

Affection is like the noonday sun; it does not need the presence of another to be manifest.

I was a lousy journalist. I could never be objective. Sometimes I invented the whole story.

Fiction happens in the womb. It doesn't get processed in the mind until you do the editing.

Writing is like making love. Don't worry about the orgasm, just concentrate on the process.

How many times have I told you not to believe everything you hear? Seek truth for yourself.

I don't think of literature as an end in itself. It's just a way of communicating something.

The fact that you own a gun and shoot to defend your life is a very American way of thinking.

Only in romance novels or in thrillers people live outside of a social and political context.

Every person is born with a talent, and happiness depends on discovering that talent in time.

I have been a woman for 46 years and I only recently realized I can't change it and I like it.

I'm surrounded by young people. I'm always now the oldest and the shortest person in the room.

I'm such a control freak. I want to control even my own death. Decide when I will die and how.

I carry around a little stool to stand on when people want a picture with their cellular phones.

We all have an unsuspected reserve of strength inside that emerges when life puts us to the test.

The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything.

It is common knowledge that no man that women flock to boasts of his conquests. Those who do, lie.

I have a very acute sense of place and time, so all of my stories are rooted in a place and a time.

Agosins poetic language engages the reader in a mesmerizing journey of inward reflection and exile.

You spend the first part of your life collecting things ... and the second half getting rid of them.

Conceit is a privilege of the ignorant; the wise man is humble because he knows how little he knows.

Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. They only make good former spouses.

Give, give, give-what is the point of having experience, knowledge or talent if I don't give it away?

I never thought that I would come to live in the United States. I was not pursuing the American dream.

Nations should be governed by a council of learned men who must answer to the people for their actions.

Music is a wind that blows away the years, memories, and fear, that crouching animal I carry inside me.

Although women do two-thirds of the world's labor, they own less than one percent of the world's assets.

Just as Daniel Balalcazar said, it makes no sense to suffer in advance a misfortune that may never occur.

If you change the way you tell your own story, you can change the colour and create a life in technicolour.

Before I start writing, before I have an idea of where and when the story happens, I research it thoroughly.

Silence before being born, silence after death: life is nothing but noise between two unfathomable silences.

I'm living in California but I have a place that is mine in Chile and I belong there. I am no longer an exile.

I feel that telling my secrets makes me less vulnerable. What would make me vulnerable are the secrets I keep.

My books are written from personal experience, from memories, and from stories that come to me from all places.

At my age days dissolve like salt in water; the day's gone and I don't even know what I've done with the hours.

I have written about Chile extensively, and therefore I have read many books on the subject, mostly for research.

You are my angel and my damnation; in your presence I reach divine ecstasy and in your absence I descent to hell.

I was a political refugee living in Venezuela. I had a job that was twelve hours a day, no money. It was a hard time.

He was not oppressed by a crowd because in the midst of all the hullabaloo he always found a quiet place for his soul.

The connection that I have with my readers makes me very happy, and gives meaning to the strange profession of writing

In my private circle I am a mother, grandmother, wife, friend, daughter... the success means nothing to my small tribe.

My desk is like a 'U,' so I have my computer and lots of dictionaries because I write in Spanish and I live in English.

We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged.

The world is a very unjust, unfair place and we have to live with that. Historically, there is impunity for most crimes.

write with honesty and don't worry about the feelings of others, because no matter what you say, they'll hate you anyway.

For women, the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time.

If this world is going to be a better place for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it will be women who make it so.

He had only to touch me to turn my tears into sighs and my anger to desire. How accomodating love is; it forgives everything.

After a few months without writing, months I've lived turned outward... I fear going deaf, not being able to hear the silence.

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