Love is very light, very joyful, very simple and innocent.

You can have all the external experiences but you have to be the love first.

When we learn to focus on love, grace, and gratitude, life is really quite lovely.

There's a part of us that is addicted to suffering, that equates love with suffering.

When we start to heal and perceive what I call love consciousness, we begin to perceive reality.

By focusing on love and cultivating an internal security, we can start to take the steps in our lives to create profound change.

We're trying to fill something internal with something external. We're trying to fill something real with something illusionary.

Often we don't change because we're afraid of what might happen. We cling to what we recognize, even if we are steeped in suffering.

By losing my external things, I found myself. I found something very powerful, very permanent, that I could have with me all the time.

I lost everything. When I was 28 years old, I lost my home, my job, my partner. I had many people die in my life. I felt like a total victim.

What I teach is how to go inside and reach that place I call "love consciousness." This is a place of peace and joy that is within all humans.

We're like little puppies chasing our tails. We realize we're never getting what we want and then realize we need to do something a bit more profound.

Happiness is a choice I am making now. Once we understand that and find love consciousness, we learn that this place of internal plenitude needs nothing.

Most people ultimately realize that they can acquire things, change their partner or other things, consume more and still it doesn't work. I'm not criticizing any of this.

Once we do fill the void and experience the expansion in consciousness, we realize there is enough and has always been enough. We've always had exactly what we've needed in every moment.

Initially when our foundations are rocked, when we lose our external security, we feel very fragile. In that moment, we have a choice. Am I the Phoenix and rise from the ashes or do I just keep wallowing in the ashes?

I was a very focused and determined woman and I always got what I wanted. But once I had it, there was another future moment when I had to attain something else. These internal yearnings keep happiness in a future moment.

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