The fancies of wine are authentic events.

Misunderstanding women is a clear sign of scant virility.

You see things less clearly when you open your eyes too wide.

Whenever I look at a mountain I always expect it to turn into a volcano.

There are three things I always forget. Names, faces and... the third I can't remember.

The great modern novel of the comic-pathetic illusion of freedom is Confessions of Zeno .

It is comfortable to live in the belief that you are great, though your greatness is latent.

Tears throw a veil over our faults and allow us to accuse fate without fear or contradiction.

Everyone tends to remember the past with greater fervor as the present gains greater importance.

To kill someone, even treacherously is more manly than to wound a friend by betraying his confidence.

Pain and love - the whole of life, in short - cannot be looked on as a disease just because they make us suffer.

A novelist who ranks with Proust , Kafka , Musil and his friend James Joyce as one of the enduring pillars of Modernism.

Health doesn't analyze itself, nor does it look at itself in the mirror. Only we sick people know something about ourselves.

Everyone remembers his past with greater vividness as the present becomes more important. Dying men in their last delirium are supposed to see their whole life spread out before them.

And it is true that life lacks the monotony of museums. There come days which seem worthy of being framed, but they are so full of conflicting sounds, of line and color and living, burning light that they never become tedious.

Who knows whether, if I had given up smoking, I should really have become the strong perfect man I imagined? Perhaps it was this very doubt that bound me to my vice, because life is so much pleasanter if one is able to believe in one's own latent greatness

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