I'm really not that fierce.

Choice is our point of power.

You work for God Incorporated.

You never put her in your heart.

Their issues are not your issues.

Faith without challenge is nothing.

People you don't love can't hurt you.

I am the one I have been looking for.

There are two emotions: love and fear.

Every day is your day if you claim it.

The ego does not want to be wrong, ever.

If you see crazy coming, cross the street!

The best students get the hardest lessons.

I am not my sister's keeper. I am my sister.

Mistakes are lessons that you need to learn!

I'm okay, you're okay. Now let's go to work.

Life gives you an endless supply of do-overs.

Who you are is strong enough to bare your pain

Lives fall apart when they need to be rebuilt.

We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem.

Without the a test you don't have a testimony.

Love is what you are, not what you give or get!

Your eyes will adjust to the level of deficiency

Black Girls rock because we have no other choice.

If it's not your story to tell, you don't tell it.

The goal isn't to be perfect, but to be authentic!

Comparison is an act of violence against the self.

If you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans.

Life doesn't have to be hard, life is on your side.

All things are lessons that God would have us learn.

The way we do one thing is the way we do everything.

If you heart had a voice, Beloved, what would it say?

Do what brings you joy, and your purpose will unfold.

Everyone has a purpose because God is a purposeful God.

I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace.

All of us have ways in which we mask and cover our pain.

Never judge your clarity based on someone else's response.

When your life is working there will be an absence of drama

Just give yourself permission to tell the truth to yourself.

I grew up in the Holiness Church, where prayer was an event.

You've got to be willing to lose everything to gain yourself.

The way you get more is by having a daily spiritual practice.

The show is 'Fix My Life!' Get it? Life. I do not fix people.

A man who is not accountable to anyone is a danger to himself

Respect you love one enough to know thay can handle your truth

If you don't have a test, you won't be able to have a testimony.

Love is the voice of God whispering to you from within yourself.

Sometimes you have to lose everything in order to gain yourself.

Ytalding is not always pretty or easy. And it doesn`t came quick

Listen for the instruction, instead of begging for the direction.

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