It takes a lot of strength to let go.

If you are explaining, you are losing.

The strength of America is not in Washington.

I never got into politics for it to be a career.

Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.

As an Oklahoma quarterback, you learn to perform under pressure.

Death and taxes may be inevitable, but they shouldn't be related.

There can't be opportunity or jobs without investment and profit.

If diversity is O.K. for God, it ought to be O.K. for Republicans.

I believe government should be loyal to parents, teachers and children.

I don't know if anybody has moved up the ladder more quickly than I have.

I still get to preach 14, 15 times a year. But you have to make a living.

Good policy makes good politics and what I've done has been good politics.

Everything I am I owe to my faith and secondly to parents who were old school.

We have seen the Democrat solution to an energy crisis; it's called California.

It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go.

There's a whole lot more to the African-American community than entertainment and sports.

I think Newt Gingrich has a proven track record of changing Washington and getting results.

There is a direct correlation between education, stable families and incarceration and crime.

A Black man voting for the Republicans makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.

Americans are hungry for a discussion on policy solutions to the problems in their communities that work.

My work in the House of Representatives, at this time in my life, is completed. It is time to return home.

In addition, there is one title I cherish a great deal more than Congressman and that is the title of... Dad.

Governor is not the position to have in Oklahoma. It is the head coach of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State or Tulsa.

To say America can have strong leadership without strong character is to say we can get water without the wet.

Individual responsibility, hard work, paying attention in school, faith, family all these things are important.

When you look at the results that Newt Gingrich got when he was speaker, he got results for the American people.

The American dream does not happen by asking Americans to accept what's immoral and wrong in the name of tolerance.

One of the Republicans' major products is dream making. People are dying to get into this country... not out of it.

I would caution all of us or I would remind all of us that any candidate that we support, they are going to be flawed.

My father taught that the only helping hand you're ever going to be able to rely on is the one at the end of your sleeve.

Everyone tries to define this thing called Character. It's not hard. Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking.

I have often said one of the reasons more blacks don't support Republicans is because they don't trust the GOP establishment.

When it comes to the American dream, no one has a corner on the market. All of us have an equal chance to share in that dream.

Too many Americans live by Republican principles of faith, family, hope and opportunity, but vote for Democrats out of sheer habit.

I never got into politics for it to be a career. It doesn't take a lot of strength to hang on. It takes a lot of strength to let go.

Education is a bipartisan issue that concern all communities of color and should be first, last and always about the student learning.

Some might think that George W. Bush had his shortcomings, but let me tell you something - history's going to be kind to George W. Bush.

We need to remember that politics is all about people, not programs. We shouldn't want to take the humanness out of the political arena.

Republicans think that the NAACP is the only voice in the black community. It is a voice in the black community. But it's not the only voice.

There is a war being waged right now on prayer and religion by liberals who are taking every opportunity to make America as God-less as possible.

The measure of a man is not how great his faith is, but how great his love is. We must not let government programs disconnect our souls from each other.

I would love to be associated with some sports organization. I was a journalism major. That's kind of intriguing, to do something in the political-commentary arena.

Like any group that has endured much, African Americans have created a strong and mutually reinforcing sense of group identity. That's not a bad thing in and of itself.

You always hear 'black Republican,' but you never hear 'white Democrat.' We've got to get beyond the labels and stereotypes. Other people have hang-ups about it. I don't.

They said that I had sold out and (am an) Uncle Tom. And I said well, they deserve to have that view. But I have my thoughts. And I think they're race-hustling poverty pimps.

Having a Republican candidate speak at the NAACP convention is like trying to build a house starting at the roof. If you don't have a foundation, the roof isn't going to stand.

I embrace my blackness, just as I do my conservatism and my Christianity, but I don't want to be defined or pigeonholed by any one of the many elements that make up my character.

Serving in Congress has been more than an honor; it has been one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life... It has been a wonderful ride. It has been a wonderful journey.

Serving in Congress has been more than an honor; it has been one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life ... It has been a wonderful ride. It has been a wonderful journey.

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