My closet is my happy place.

It's always a great joy to give back.

Winning is really hard in this league.

I'm from the middle of nowhere, Virginia.

My second year in the league I played zip.

I'm very grateful to be able to give back.

I'm not sure my own family liked me at Duke.

As a shooter, you always want to be in a rhythm.

I always feel like you can get better in any area.

My mother is a nutritionist, so we always ate well.

Anything I can use on the court to help me is good.

I think winning Game 7s, it's an incredible feeling.

I won't take a shot unless I think it's going to go in.

One of the reasons that the NBA is so good is NBA Twitter.

Nutrition is a big part of my life and it always has been.

I feel like I've been mentoring young guys for a long time.

I'm not into trends, but more enduring classics and styles.

I think I can pass the ball pretty well and I move the ball.

Would I want to get traded again midseason? Hopefully, never.

My thing is just trying to figure out how we can win ball games.

I would never say never, but it's not in my plans to be a coach.

With social media, I've never felt completely comfortable with it.

My requirement of my fitness level is different than some players.

Some collectors do but no, I don't look at watches as an investment.

As a professional athlete, the onus is on you to take responsibility.

My second year was particularly difficult because I had high expectations.

For me, I can only talk so much about basketball, and I get a little bored.

I've been very fortunate to be on some great teams and in great locker rooms.

I watch video now of me in college, and I just think, What are you doing, man?

Basketball is like the one game I can't figure out when it comes to videogames.

It's certainly a different feel in the locker room after the game when you win.

Player movement is good, and guys should be able to choose where they want to play.

In terms of my career, it's been a lot of incremental improvement slowly over time.

I've certainly benefited from the three-point line and the emphasis on shooting them.

I shoot my highest percentage from the right corner, and it's also the shortest shot.

When I come to the arena, my mind is on basketball, not thinking I'm walking a runway.

At the end of every season, I try to assess what I did well and what I didn't do well.

Out of all the records, my proudest was breaking Coach Johnny Dawkins's scoring record.

I played videogames growing up, but my parents really monitored how much I was playing.

I would much rather invest in stocks, bonds, private equity and hedge funds than watches.

My last four years in Orlando, I was a really good player but I wasn't a full-time starter.

It seems like you have to put so much into winning on the road and playing well on the road.

Twitter has now just become a bunch of angry voices. That for me, I had to detach from there.

Nothing can prepare an 18-year-old for the fishbowl that is Duke basketball. So that was difficult.

To be able to give back and be able to help people, it means a lot to me. I'm humbled by it, honestly.

I've been on teams where you literally don't talk to each other at dinner. Just six guys on their phones.

Kobe never got complacent. He always wanted more. And I think, ultimately, that's going to be his legacy.

You always look forward to the start of the regular season. It's like opening presents on Christmas morning.

Every situation I've been in in my career, you just sort of adapt, and figure out where you can be effective.

When I got done at Duke, I almost felt ashamed of it. I almost tried to distance myself from being the Duke guy.

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