The military executes policy decisions.

We must take all that territory away from ISIS.

Radical Islam, it has grown into a global jihad.

I'm not in a position to go back into public service.

It's not that I can't be fooled, but I'm not fooled often.

My involvement with Guantanamo began as vice chief of staff.

Historically, aggression unanswered has led to more aggression.

Rebuilding the military is something Putin will pay attention to.

Since 1989, we have been deploying on an average of every 18 months.

The Pentagon is actually a 10-story building, five up and five down.

The success of ISIS is largely tied to the safe haven it has in Syria.

Putin has put Russia on a path to be a world power with global influence.

Yes, we need a force to continue to train, assist, advise the Iraqi army.

ISIS is on the offense, with the ability to attack at will, anyplace, anytime.

I have decorated soldiers for heroism before, and it was always such an honor to do it.

We should be robustly assisting the Free Syrian Army with equipment and also with training.

Fighting forces, particularly ground forces, have to operate on the basis of unit cohesion.

United States and our allied partners need to wake up. ISIS is at war with us and civilization.

The only people that have ever fought ISIS in Syria is not the regime; it is the Free Syrian Army.

I read people; that's one of my strengths. It's not that I can't be fooled, but I'm not fooled often.

I'm a New York kid, so when I saw that plane that hit the first building, I suspected it was terrorism - blue sky day.

Air power will not defeat ISIS. It has not been able to deny ISIS freedom of maneuver and the ability to attack at will.

Radical Islamists spread from Western Africa through the Middle East, all the way to South Asia to sub-Indian continent.

Cyberespionage and cyberattack is exploding from our adversaries inside our country. We don't seem capable of stopping it.

If we have the intent to use the military only when needed, then that also becomes, then, therefore, a credible deterrent.

In 2005 in Iraq, the constitution was written. A new government was elected. That government was trying to take office in 2006.

Russia, their number one client in the Middle East is Syria; that is their foothold in the Middle East. They want to have influence there.

If you took ISIS' oil, that would not stop them. It's not their only source of revenue. It would be a setback, but it would not stop them.

By the end of 2008, clearly the Al Qaeda and Sunni insurgency had been relatively stabilized. And in the Al Qaeda's mind, they were defeated.

I have lots of concerns at working with Russia going against ISIS until we have agreements in terms of what Russia's behavior is going to be.

ISIS is at war with America, but America is not at war with ISIS - not the president, nor the Congress, and certainly not the American people.

Most people who aspire to be president don't have a foreign policy andnational security background. The exception was certainly Hillary Clinton.

If Assad continues to conduct strikes against the Free Syrian Army at will, it would be very difficult for them to have any success against ISIS.

One of the banners I would put up in front of any American president and new administration is 'Do not overreact to your predecessors' policies.'

This radical Islam is a religious-based ideology. And you actually have to, when you deal with the ideology, you have to attack it on that basis.

Most people who aspire to be president don't have a foreign policy and national security background. The exception was certainly Hillary Clinton.

Very unusual in an insurgency to have absolutely no political agenda other than to return to power. Most insurgents have a political side to them.

Frankly, our adversaries are emboldened by the lack of American leadership in the world, and our friends and our allies, they have lost trust in us.

Aircraft are always going to be something that terrorists are interested in because you bring down an airliner, you have drawn the world's attention.

The thing I have in common with Donald Trump is, about a dozen years ago, we got a 'Man of the Year' award in New York City, the Hotel Plaza, from the USO.

Russia and China completely disagree with the international order that was established after World War II, and they're trying to take it apart right before our eyes.

While conducting a conventional war in Iraq and Syria, ISIS has staged terrorist attacks on a global scale against the people from the countries who are fighting ISIS.

Afghanistan remains an opportunity to deal al Qaeda a vital strategic blow, especially since we have abandoned all operations - including counterterrorism operations - in Iraq.

Qatar has funded and helped arm ISIS. They also, as we all know, fund Hamas. That's got to stop. And we've got to use our pressure against that country to knock that stuff off.

I remember speaking to a sheik who came back into the political system in late 2008, laid down his arms. His troops became part of the Sons of Iraq, the so-called Sunni Awakening.

We have a sufficient political class, and the military doesn't have to get involved in high national office. The days of doing that, post-Civil War and post-World War II, are gone.

There are very few fighters in the ISIS organization in Iraq and Syria coming from the United States; most of them have either come from a region of the Middle East or from Europe.

Normally, what happens when we have a national leader who wants to do something in terms of military intervention, he tells the Pentagon, put together some options to accomplish goal.

The issue with Syria, I think for many of us, has always been about Iran. This is an anchor point for them in terms of regional domination. It means a lot to them. They are all in here.

I have a close association with Gen. Petraeus... What you get in Dave Petraeus is a very unique officer, a combination of intelligence, extraordinary depth of knowledge and understanding.

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