I'd love to be a voice in 'Toy Story 4.'

Everything the Coen brothers do is brilliant.

I'm under five feet; I'm very small, 4'11 1/2.

I don't play many characters like myself. Oh I don't know what I am!

I guess just a lively imagination is the best effort an actor can have.

I do have friends in Australia who now refer to me as 'Hollywood Jack.'

The libel laws in Australia are a lot tougher than they are in America.

A lioness has got a lot more power than the lion likes to think she has.

I love getting presents. And awards. I'd do whatever they told me to do.

I'm good at not laughing. It's not that I don't want to. I'm too old and experienced.

I think we're all capable of bad things but luckily most of us are able to curb ourselves.

I usually do get to play the very sweet, charming roles... but I'm not an obvious kind of villain.

I believe in sex on a first date. Otherwise, how do you know if a second date is worth the effort?

One of the things you learn at drama school is not to play the result, but just to play the moment.

You learn stuff from every character you play about the human condition that can be quite enlightening.

I'm in fact Australian but my mother's English so I've got no problem playing a domineering English woman.

I'm a nice middle-class girl in real life, and I'm a mom and a grandma, and I usually play sweet characters.

It's one of the functions of the theater to shock and titillate and appall, apart from entertain and delight.

'Promiscuous' implies that I'm not choosy. In fact I'm very choosy. I just happen to have had a lot of choices.

I was an adventurer, and I got married a few times. I kept trying to find a relationship as good as my parents'.

We're becoming so much better at destigmatizing all sorts of things, including mental illness in 'Silver Linings.'

We're becoming so much better at destigmatizing all sorts of things, including mental illness in 'Silver Linings'.

I think that's why we're always so fascinated with criminal stories because there but for the grace of God it could be us.

I know that Philadelphians hate New York actors passing off New York accents as Philadelphian when they are quite different.

They call David O. Russell the actor whisperer because he can get stuff out of actors that maybe some other directors can't.

I'm always shy when I meet people I admire so I wouldn't be able to say anything rather than, 'How do you do? Love you! Bye!'

Most Australians who've got an ear can do an American accent because we grow up listening to them on television and in movies.

I love a bit of a sequin and a bead. I do, even though I usually wear trousers, when I put a frock on. I like a bead or a sequin.

I haven't really had a major role in film for about 12 years. But I never stopped working in the theater. I do stuff back to back.

The eyes are the windows of your soul, and when you're acting, they're one of your most important instruments. Especially for close-ups!

I'm crazy about the Coen brothers, I'm crazy about Sean Penn. I love the usual suspects like Susan Sarandon, Meryl Streep and people like that.

It's a very generous culture, American culture. I know you can't generalize 300 million people, but everyone I've met here has been so lovely to me.

I love pretending to be other people. The more unlike me they are the better - I find other people endlessly fascinating and myself incredibly boring.

No, I'm so well-known at home I think they think of me like a piece of comfortable furniture that's always been around that they're not going to throw out.

Sexism is alive and well! We were saying this forty years ago. I'm an optimist, so I like to think we've progressed in some ways - in Australia, we get equal pay.

A lot of directors want to storyboard you, whereas the best way to get a performance out of an actor is a collaborative process where you listen to the actor's input.

The thing about being an actor is that every new job is a new challenge. Sometimes you'll have a shot, and it doesn't work. Sometimes it'll work better than you expected.

I have no problem with my age. I've been acting for 50 years in Australia and everyone knows my age because I started at 15. So there was never any point in lying about it.

I've had my share of villains and played some fairly nasty characters. But I've been acting for so long. I started out as the girl next door. Now I'm the grandmother next door.

I've done a lot of plays before where I had to do a New York accent, but never a Philly one before. They do the rhotic 'r' - where you say the 'r' - where most New Yorkers don't.

Being a theater actor, I've done a lot of plays where I've seen someone else play the same role in another production. Especially with the classics: Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams.

My taste is very eclectic. I love musicals, but I also love the classics. I've seen some fantastic productions. I was in a musical for 600 performances in Australia that I first saw in New York.

It's a basic tenet you learn at drama school. If you're playing someone evil, you can't make an objective moral judgment. You've got to get inside the character and empathize as much as possible.

I was sent the script for 'Silver Linings' when I was doing a play in D.C. at The Kennedy Center with Cate Blanchett and I was sent the script and asked if I was interested, and I said 'Oh, boy am I!'

I've had five weddings but if I'm really honest and if I count significant de factos... I've had nine husbands... which sounds appalling but when you consider I started at 18 and I'm 65 it's not so bad.

When I was seven, I wanted to be Esther Williams. I was drummed out of Brownies because I snuck off to the cinema to watch an Esther Williams festival - my greatest wish if I get to Hollywood is to meet her.

It's funny in the U.K., where I'm not really known because I never did a soap. My English cousins in the Lake District think I'm not a real actor because they've never seen me in 'Home and Away' or 'Neighbours.'

Every director's so different. Everybody has their own modus operandi and I love getting to know different directors in the way they work. David O. Russell is very exciting to be with because he's got a mind like quicksilver.

A lot of actors, whatever movie you're working on, you make up a back story just for your own, to work off, even if the audience doesn't have it revealed to them. I think it's important that the audience makes up their own mind.

I've always said about awards that they're meaningless until you win one, and then they're best thing in the world. The other thing about awards is that they engender respect from areas where it might never have come from without it.

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