Money bought freedom; without it one could never be free.

Everyone has an identity. One of their own, and one for show.

Did money give people a blind spot? Rob them of their hearing?

I don't think any novelist should be concerned with literature.

The 60s will be remembered for The Beatles, Andy Warhol and Me!

Acting is glamour but writing is hard work, so I'm going to be an actress.

Philip Roth is a good writer, but I wouldn't want to shake hands with him.

A man must feel he runs things, but as long as you control yourself, you control him.

As a writer no one's gonna tell me how to write. I'm gonna write the way I wanna write!

As a writer no one's gonna tell me how to write, I'm gonna write the way I wanna write!

Never let anyone shame you into doing anything you don't choose to do. Keep your identity.

Do not measure the number of tragedies you sustain, but to quantify the success you derive from them.

I don't think any novelist should be concerned with literature…literature should be left to essayists.

Never judge anyone by another's opinions. We all have different sides that we show to different people.

I've got a library copy of Gone with the Wind, a quart of milk and all these cookies. Wow! What an orgy!

I wanted to write it long before I wrote Every Night, Josephine! I'd been thinking about it a long time.

Yes, there's one thing I do want. I want to be aware of the minutes and the seconds, and to make each one count.

When you're climbing Mount Everest, nothing is easy. You just take one step at a time, never look back and always keep your eyes glued to the top.

The second draft is on yellow paper, that's when I work on characterizations. The third is pink, I work on story motivations. Then blue, that's where I cut, cut, cut.

A new book is just like any new product, like a detergent. You have to acquaint people with it. They have to know it's there. You only get to be number one when the public knows about you.

People parted, years passed, they met again- and the meeting proved no reunion, offered no warm memories, only the acid knowledge that time had passed and things weren't as bright or attractive as they had been.

Love shouldn't make a beggar of one. I wouldn't want love if I had to beg for it, to barter or qualify it. And I should despise it if anyone ever begged for my love. Love is something that must be given -- it can't be bought with words or pity, or even reason.

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