Politicians lie.

I can be fairly boring.

Facts matter a great deal to me.

I'm quite calm when all is well.

I'm not a particularly good liar.

They say history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.

My job is not to be liked. My job is to tell the truth.

In 2009, 2010, the Obama people were the ones mad at me.

It took me years to realize I wanted to be in journalism.

People mess up. They say things when their guard is down.

Everyone should work in politics to see how horrible it is.

It matters to people that the president tell them the truth.

My mom is from Canada. Both my grandparents were from Canada.

Pennsylvania is a state that jasn't gone Republican since 1988.

I think it's important to have as diverse of a feed as possible.

Mean is easy. Mean is lazy. Mean is self-satisfied and slothful.

It's tough for me to draw myself - usually way too self-critical.

There's a long tradition in this country of questioning generals.

I don't really get nervous anymore unless there's a big interview.

It's irresponsible to put uncorroborated information on the Internet.

CNN is in the business of sussing out what is true and what is false.

You know what takes effort? Being kind. Being patient. Being respectful.

Embrace the humanity of everyone, especially those you don't understand.

You know who has done a lot of questioning of generals? President Trump.

Probably like a lot of people, my personal politics are all over the map.

Equating brutality and despotism with leadership is not an American value.

As soon as I wake up, I read my email to see what news developed overnight.

It's not always easy for a mainstream organization to accept what a blog is.

It is empirically indecent to make fun of the disabled... That's just indecent.

I lost a great uncle in World War II who was with the Royal Canadian Air Force.

There's no bias when it comes to facts, and there's no bias when it comes to decency.

I choose to make it my job to not automatically believe what the U.S. government says.

My kids are good artists, and they do a pretty good version of Dad in their caricatures.

I certainly don't think that it's the job of any journalist to make the presidency work.

Politicians don't like tough coverage, and their protectors try to destroy the messengers.

Nastiness and mockery and meanness sometimes seem as if they're spreading like a contagion.

What would McCarthy, what would Nixon, what would Bill Clinton have done if they'd had Twitter?

Resist the temptation to subject yourself only to that which re-affirms what you already think.

The Patriots cheat. This is just a fact as established by investigations. They're a cheating team.

President Obama was not friendly to the press, but the press was very friendly to President Obama.

My mom is a hero in a lot of ways because she's the most empathetic and kind person I've ever met.

Print and television journalism are very different, and it's not like one is better than the other.

My dad's a hero in a lot of ways. He was a 1960s and 1970s hippie and a member of the protest crowd.

My job is to be skeptical: skeptical of people like Edward Snowden and skeptical of the U.S. government.

I think there is room for improvement for all of the media, and that certainly, and especially, includes me.

You write a story, you do a TV show, and if people don't like it, well, you're going to do it again tomorrow.

CNN wants me to tell the news in a way that seems genuine and authentic. They don't want me to be Ron Burgundy.

There are news sources that are just out-and-out lies coming from Europe, coming from other parts of the world.

I think standing up for facts and decency is important, and we should've done more of it back in 2015 and 2016.

I'm a collaborative person - it makes me better - and sometimes taking that collaboration to Twitter is helpful.

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