It was her. It was Teresa.

I'm gonnna break your faces!

Rose took my nose, I suppose

Everything is going to change.

All things happen for a purpose.

I've been shucked and gone to heaven.

If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.

Maybe you should just press the button

I'd love to see that rat nose smashed!

When someone is close by, you just know it.

Tomorrow," Minho added. "Somehow, some way.

We'll start firing till they drop or we drop.

Never give up. Laugh a lot. Be good to others.

Never give up, laugh a lot. Be good to others.

I've always had high ambitions and aspirations.

Get your runtcheeks down those stairs, right now

Kill me. If you’ve ever been my friend, kill me.

I do love ponies. Wish I could eat one right now.

Thats called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -!

I ought to come up there and break your shuck nose.

It was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us.

Tonight, they’d make their stand, once and for all.

It’s like watching a starving pig eat his own klunk.

You are the shuckiest shuck faced shuck in the world!

Frozen by fear. Not able to move. Your mind screaming

Anybody else wanna pee their pants and cry for mommy?

It's kind of hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong.

Be unpredictable, be real, be interesting. Tell a good story.

I just...feel like I need to save everyone. To redeem myself.

You get lazy, you get sad. Start givin' up. Plain and simple.

Hunger. It's like an animal trapped inside you, Thomas thought.

Such a display of death - how could it be considered a victory?

Quit voting me down before you even think about what I'm saying.

Next time I'll pat you on the freaking back for stating the obvious.

I think we should take a break, fill our little tummies and drink up.

Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. Because it does.

Yeah, you're a regular Mozart...well, except for the whole music thing.

Ah, my Knight in Shining Armor. What, you don't think I can fend for myself?

She paused. That's just my way of saying I would've killed you if you'd died.

You scared of that pip-squeak? Dude, you got a lot to learn. Freakin' Newbies.

Let's get this started, people. It won't be long before we all lose our minds.

What was the point of even having a conversation when words couldn't be trusted?

The Creators,” Minho said; then he spat on the floor. “I’m gonna break your faces!

Just go with it', he thought. 'You won't figure out anything if you give in to fear'.

What would I do without you? I'd die of stress and depression before nature killed me.

I don't think there is a right or wrong anymore. Only horrible and not-quite-so-horrible.

Can you do that?” Thomas asked. “Huh?” “Kill someone three times.” “I’d figure out a way.

I've always been fascinated by quantum physics and the possibility of alternate realities.

No. I kind of accepted it, in a way. That saving you was worth losing what we might've had.

Things are really weird around here, and most of us don't know everything. Half of everything.

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