Live win, dare fail.

We like to set off bombs.

I'm married to Metallica.

I was pretty quiet as a child.

Rap is just to me very annoying.

I choose to live, not just exist.

Music was the voice I didn't have.

Music is the soundtrack to my life.

Rehab is like college for your head.

You want to hear vocals? Go sing it.

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle.

Life is for my own to live my own way.

I wanted to make noise, not study theory.

If everyone was the same, it would be boring as sh*t

Don't look back, because that's the sign of failure.

There is something powerful in Metallica, a will, a drive.

I'd rather regret doing something than not doing something.

Sleep my friend, and you will see that dream is my reality.

Nothing's really a prized possession except my family, you know?

There is one Metallica. We have many styles, it's called Metallica.

I'd like to have a beer-holder on my guitar like they have on boats.

If you're into what you're playing, that's the most important thing.

I love playing the melodic stuff. I love adding textures and colors.

As far as artists and musicians, they don't retire. They might tour less.

I'm not generally a big solo guy, because I'm not into showing off that way.

My whole life was duality: Here's my life at home, here's my life on the road.

When people start copying your style, you know that something must be happening.

One time we saw some hookers but when we got closer we realized it was Motley Crue.

It's all fun and games 'till someone loses an eye, then it's just fun you can't see.

Metallica is a wonderful key to have on my key ring. I can go anywhere - it's great.

Dying, dying, someone told me just recently, dying is easy. Living is hard. For everyone.

If I hadn't had music in my life, it's quite possible I'd be dead and I'd much rather be alive.

Everybody is born good and everybody has got the same size soul. We're here to connect with that.

Authority pisses me off. I think everyone should be able to drink and get loud whenever they want.

The band? No way! There ain't no band. The band is not 'the band' right now. It's just three guys.

If I hadn't of had music in my life, it's quite possible I'd be dead and I'd much rather be alive.

I associate times with certain music. It still is that for me. It's telling the story of our lives.

No one but me can save myself though its too late, death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye.

Every band that I've known that has done side projects or things like that - I don't respect them anymore.

My vocals are bad, I can't sing, hey man, I wouldn't ask you to do a drum roll if your arm was falling off.

I like a women who's got some balls, some strength. As long as I can beat her at arm wrestling, that's fine.

Metallica is the world to me - it always has been, and that's not going to change. I'm married to Metallica.

Send me money, send me green, and Heaven you will meet. Make your contribution and you'll get a better seat.

People always complain about something. If you face yourself and stand up strong, you're OK. You can't go wrong.

It's a good feeling, that you can put your heart out there, no matter how black it is, and people can understand it.

When you're an actor and you walk into a theatre where your movie is playing, you're kinda proud. "Look at my skill!"

Nothing can duplicate the sheer power and feeling you get from standing in front of your amp and bashing on your guitar.

I like playing music because it's a good living and I get satisfaction from it. But I can't feed my family with satisfaction.

I was pretty quiet as a child. I kind of hung out with my family and listened to music and sh*t. I wasn't too outgoing at all.

Just like the poles of a magnet, some people are drawn to death and others are repulsed by it, but we all have to deal with it.

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