We basically ran the Henry Bellmon campaign.

Government on its own is always inefficient.

My wife and I come from a Christian worldview.

I still strongly support a full repeal of Obamacare.

The FBI has a very clear policy. They don't expose victims.

We have a lot of great hospitals in America, across the country.

The future of our nation is dependent on the future of our families.

I don't believe just because you're a conservative that you're angry.

Christmas is a great time to recommit to each other and our communities.

I keep Reagan's 11th Commandment that I don't run down other Republicans.

I understand the significance of being one of 18 senators in Oklahoma history.

Quite frankly, Oklahomans are pretty smart. They know how to choose candidates.

At times, conservatives become defined by their volume rather than by their ideas.

The First Amendment is first for a reason - it cannot be ignored by the D.C. City Council.

We're facing serious issues. We can either complain about it or try to step in and solve it.

We must go through every area of the federal budget to isolate waste and abandoned projects.

The only way to make government more efficient is to make it smaller and to make it more local.

Spanish Explorers celebrated Christmas in 1539 in the area we now know as the State of Florida.

Americans honor and respect each other's faith, and we honor those that choose to have no faith.

Religion that is contained only within a church building is a weekend hobby, not a personal faith.

I can be plenty frustrated and not have to constantly portray myself as upset and angry at the world.

I'm in favor of dealing with Iran and dealing with the nuclear issue, but I'm not in favor of a bad deal.

I just don't believe that being conservative means all you do is throw stones and poke people in the eye.

Centralized national decision-making on education reduces the role of the parent and the local districts.

Personally and politically, I'm extremely conservative for who I am, but I'm also very careful in my tone.

America is strongest when families take care of each other and walk with one another through need and loss.

I am a fan of an all-of-the-above energy strategy, and I certainly support wind as a large part of that goal.

Every schoolteacher will tell you that there is no substitute for engaged parents in the education of a child.

What they have done, ISIS is very well outspoken about how much they hate our freedom, who we are as Americans.

I don't want to go home and tell my wife and my girls, 'I was gone last week because I had to do a press release.'

Hillary Clinton has her own issues with just her own arrogance as a leader; that has been well known for a long time.

I firmly believe the Senate should see more voting and debate and less standing around and waiting for backroom deals.

The Constitution provides that all Americans enjoy the right to live a life in accordance with their convictions of faith.

I believe that conservative solutions can help families of every race, every economic background, and every town in Oklahoma.

My focus has always been: I can be an incredibly conservative, principled idea person, but that doesn't mean I have to shout at people.

We still have a major problem in debt with America that we have to find efficiencies in government to get us back to a balanced budget.

If we care about life and the dignity of all life, then we care about the dignity of all life, and that includes the human life of children.

There's a lot of middle school behavior in Washington, D.C. I look at that and I say, 'I've seen that before,' it was just with a 14-year-old.

Marriage is a unique cultural relationship that has a long-standing tradition and societal meaning, which should not be redefined by the courts.

ISIS has leadership, just like al Qaeda has leadership. It's important to be able to eliminate the individuals that are leading the organization.

Assad has to be removed, and then you have to actually put someone in that is a qualified leader that can start to build some trust in that area.

Every person is also a citizen of some country. In their country, they have rights and responsibilities. In every other country, they are a guest.

The Health Care Compact simply gives a state like Oklahoma the option to create a customized system that better meets the needs of Oklahoma families.

The vast majority of Americans believe you don't discriminate. You don't. We honor each other. We don't all see life the same way. We don't. We're Americans.

If you are going to replace somebody off of one of the bills - which I have no problem with a lady being on one of the bills - that you would replace the 20.

I'm one of those folks that look and say the Old Testament laid out clearly the path for Christ to come, but when He came, every scholar at that time missed it.

Broken families not only affect the people involved, but they have an impact on public policy decisions in Washington, D.C., and state capitols around the nation.

Every generation has to protect every one of their rights, whether that's freedom of the press, freedom of speech, or freedom of faith. You have to remain diligent.

If we are going to remove someone, which I have no problem with doing, then let's do the 20, not the 10, the very first secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.

We have a very structured process for taking in refugees. It takes almost two years to transition from another country into the United States through the refugee process.

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