I want to make a difference.

We need innovation and creativity.

Colorado is a trade-dependent state.

I have a horrible sense of direction.

For me, blogging is just like talking.

I always try to follow my moral compass.

We want a Colorado that works for everybody.

I am from Colorado. I know Colorado inside and out.

I'm more of the sneaker-wearing, computer geek type.

Coloradans of all walks of life value the environment.

We can pass practical, comprehensive immigration reform.

It's easier to stop bad things than to pass good things.

Agribusinesses should never dictate the quality of school meals.

The most important thing to keep in mind in being effective is focus.

In general, I think it's an advantage politically to keep people guessing.

In the business world, if you're not looking ahead, you're missing something.

I am committed to leveling the playing field and expanding opportunity to all.

If our country is to advance, let it be upon the legs of lessons well-learned.

When the money dries up, the sites die off. That's the way to go after piracy.

Only Congress can treat the gaping wound that is our broken immigration system.

It is essential for our national security to know who resides within our borders.

I can be happy in the private sector, the non-profit sector, or the public sector.

You have 435 people in the United States House of Representatives trying to get along.

Co-sponsoring a bill is fairly easy, like a group project which you work on with others.

From the newest arrivals to our Native American brothers and sisters, we are one America.

Improving our nation's education system has long been the cornerstone of my policy agenda.

I have taken my outside-the-box, innovative, and sometimes unorthodox approach to Congress.

Someone who is wrongfully accused needs to do their best to put it behind them and move on.

I wouldn't ask other people to invest in my race if I wasn't willing to invest in it myself.

Gay marriage won't be more of an issue 25 years from now than interracial marriage is today.

I derive a lot of the values that I try to bring into the public sphere from my private faith.

That's why I created the New America School - to fill the cracks in our public education system.

If becoming a member of Congress is like going to college, then crafting legislation is our homework.

Big food companies have their priorities, which include selling cheap, unhealthy foods at high profits.

I remember well my first 300 baud modem, which dialed up and scrolled text at an agonizingly slow speed.

Lady Gaga is one of the most amazingly talented musicians to bring her gifts to humanity in a long time.

The Federal Communications Commission needs to listen and serve the American people, not special interests.

Without net neutrality protections, the Internet would no longer be a free and open ecosystem for innovation.

From my own perspective, I value productivity more than tradition, but the customs of the House evolve slowly.

What I care most about is representing my constituents. If that ruffles a few feathers along the way, so be it.

I try to treat my orientation the same way I would if I was straight, which is to talk about it when it's relevant.

Senators, representatives too often, we hear from our base, don't talk to the other side, don't with work with them.

Members of Congress wear two hats: one as Washington legislator, the other as listener and community leader back home.

I support offering the public option to members of Congress, and as soon as I'm given the chance, I intend to go on it.

Some people trust an insurance company over the government, while others trust the government over insurance companies.

The need for a national Employment Non-Discrimination Act a critical part of the LGBT community's struggle for equality.

Negotiating deals among members of Congress is an exercise in wearing masks, scaring up votes, and, oftentimes, bluffing.

No one should be denied the opportunity to choose his or her spouse. It is a basic human right and deeply personal decision.

My constituents include CU Buffs, ski bums, techies, artists, suburban soccer moms, and proud, hard-working Colorado families.

Members of the LGBT community should feel welcome and know their rights are protected regardless of what state they reside in.

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