I'm always nervous when I perform anyway.

We've always been a bit out of touch with reality.

Anyone who thinks they're sexy needs their head checked.

People who make good music aren't necessarily nice people.

[Jeffrey Lewis is] The best lyricist working in the US today.

For me, the great thing about music is that anybody can do it.

I appreciate people who try and use language in an interesting way.

Don't think that the things around you don't count, because they do.

A song can't be completely serious if you rhyme melodic with alcoholic.

There isn't much I find interesting to write about in middle-class life.

A Conservative government is necessary. There is no credible alternative.

The good thing about people really is their iffy-ness and dodginess, isnt it?

Its OK to grow up, just as long as you don't grow old. Face it you are young.

You can do anything when you're famous. That's why famous people are so dumb.

Will you see Pulp again? Who knows. I'm not stoking those particular rumours.

The good thing about people really is their iffy-ness and dodginess, isn't it?

Pornography takes all the reality out of sex and Disney does that to family life.

My route so far through life hasn't been particularly logical, or even thought out.

I'm a sluggish character; I'm a bit slow. For some reason I find it hard to work quickly.

I would rather kill myself than play my own music... I can't stand it when people do that.

I don't really care what someone's background is; creativity can come from any background.

It's good that I managed to hoodwink so many people. I am actually not that nice a person.

I would like to believe in an afterlife; it makes things more palatable. But I'm not banking on it.

I guess I'm fairly insistent and maybe consistent. If I decide I'll do something, I generally will.

In no way am I supporting or suggesting that a Conservative government is a good thing, far from it.

You get to a certain age and you just want to prove that you can still rock - that you've still got it.

I think that's what all art is for - for people to express what it is to be human. That's the purpose of it.

I do write songs with a political dimension to them sometimes, but I'm always slightly appalled by it when I do.

Money isn't important, but you have to have enough, so you don't have to think about it. Thinking about money is a drag.

I always thought that I might retire from any form of sexuality by the age of 40 and just become a dignified older person.

We live in an age where people are kind of a bit obsessed with celebrity and stuff. You can't help but be curious about it.

Noise is an easy thing to hide behind. If you make a lot of noise and shout behind that, nobody can tell what you're singing.

Silver Machine still sounds really modern with all the white noise. It's a bit punky in a way. They were ahead of their time.

But I've got ideas. I keep my little notebook, I've always got that with me. Hopefully there's more stuff than nonsense in there.

I'm always amazed by people who blog all the time and tweet all the time, and still get things done. I don't know how they do it.

The things in my songs are the edited highlights of my life. I don't go seeking out strange sexual experiences every day of the week.

I travel backwards and forwards quite a lot. I live very near to the train station. I'm kind of playing at being an expatriate, I suppose.

The main thing I don't like about myself is an absurd level of self-consciousness that makes any sort of social encounter an ordeal for me.

In a song you can kind of stage-manage everything so that it puts you in a good light. And once a song is recorded, it always performs well.

The working class has been turned into a consuming class - a situation has been created where people value their worth by what they can afford.

It's weird: The leader of the Conservative Party in England is two years younger than me, and I still don't really feel like a responsible adult.

If you get involved in music expecting to make a living out of it, then you've picked the wrong thing to do. That shouldn't really be in your mind.

I like bossy girls. I don't like girls who just do whatever they think you want them to do, and follow you around trying to please you all the time.

The best thing you can give someone is the freedom to make their own mind up - and then, if it's not working out 5 years later, you can give your opinion.

I'd been thinking I'd have to learn how to play really well, but obviously the message of punk was that you just learn three chords in a week and you're away.

Paris is like a beautiful woman, but she's very haughty, she's not interested in you. She's very nice to look at but you can't quite get it together with her.

I'm not very keen on ageing. I'm not keen on the physical decay. I probably am quite vain. I think you want to try and look OK for the benefit of other people.

Part of why I started a band was due to feelings of shyness and social ineptitude. I saw it as some way of being able to interact with people from a safe distance.

I believe that humans adapt to circumstance. The Internet is quite an unprecedented circumstance, so it's going to take people a while to get their heads around it.

Everybody's a bit screwed up, you know. You can take it as symptoms of a disorder, or you can take it as personality. Me, I'd rather think it as parts of personality.

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