Straw purchasing is illegal.

Kevin McCarthy is a good man.

Federal spending is atrocious.

Well, look, I'm as Tea Party as it gets.

I want to fight and win the war on cancer.

Obstruction of Congress in our work is a crime.

A dash of frugality is a good thing for everyone.

You dont raise taxes in times of such uncertainty.

You don't raise taxes in times of such uncertainty.

You shouldn't turn on C-SPAN to get your sports update.

I've always viewed Mitt Romney as a very conservative person.

I was ranked the second most conservative member in the House.

The White House has been noticeably schizophrenic on Guantanamo.

[John Lewis] really created something that - that he didn't need to

What I don't want to become numb to is wasting those taxpayer dollars.

It doesn't take a lot of seniority to vote the way you promised to vote.

I think the American public wants to see a change. They want a fresh start.

I have worked closely with my Democratic allies. Elijah Cummings is a good friend.

There should be a pathway to citizenship - not a special pathway and not no pathway.

I want to see overwhelming force repel anybody who is trying to get into the White House.

Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is there for a natural disaster or some other catastrophe.

I ran for Congress because I want to help change the way we do business in Washington, D.C.

The biggest problem that we have on the face of the planet is Iran getting a nuclear weapon.

I don't have a problem talking about Medicare or Medicaid or some other very important issue.

Data indicate that taxpayers may be paying their public servants more than a little too much.

When your economy is subject to the whims of Libya and Nigeria and Venezuela, you have a problem.

While the deficit and debt are serious problems, I oppose solving these problems by raising taxes.

The White House and the president [Donald Trump] himself remains very worrisome, alarming, almost.

A premium support program is different than a voucher program. They're just fundamentally different.

We have seen an outrageous increase in the size, scope, and intrusiveness of the federal government.

Now I get a very nice salary as a member of Congress, but when I'm in Washington, I sleep in my office.

I didn't plan on running for speaker, but I don't see anyone else stepping up. I know I'm the underdog.

What you need to look at is what is required by law, which I believe that Donald Trump has complied with.

In addition to higher pay, federal government employment is far more secure than private-sector employment.

The fundamental problem is that President Obama has grown government. He has grown the private sector jobs.

I have the greatest respect and admiration for Congressman Issa, but I don't intend to be Darrell Issa-like.

Government is not being honest with taxpayers when it renews existing tax breaks and calls them new tax cuts.

I think I've earned a reputation of being fair and that I'll hear all sides from the entire political spectrum.

I went to Brigham Young University on a football scholarship. I wasn't a football player; I was a place kicker.

You tell people that the NFL is a nonprofit entity, and they just start laughing and giggling. But it's not fair.

[Democrats] are not handling the John Lewis flap the right way, clearly. John Lewis is a hero and a civil rights hero.

High tax rates distort economic decision making, and our corporate income tax rate is one of the highest in the world.

Until we see something that is actually wrongdoing, we're probably not going to go on a fishing trip to go see look at.

We have got a - we've got a good federal work force, but we have too many people, and we're paying them too much money.

Until the administration can articulate a coherent and convincing policy for closing Guantanamo, it should remain open.

You know, I think what people want more than anything is they just want people to do what they say they're going to do.

Governor Romney has paid 100 percent of his taxes that are owed. He has complied 100 percent with what the law requires.

From the time I roll out of the cot at 6 A.M. to the time I fall asleep after midnight, I get to do what I love nonstop.

If you're going to grow the economy, if people are going to have more income, you have to have stability in the marketplace.

Nearly 30 million people ride Amtrak each year, and they should board the trains knowing that safety is a paramount priority.

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