All you really have... is now.

Everything...affects everything

I needed a break... from myself.

What the hell happened to Pluto?!

In the end....everything matters.

I left. When I should have stayed.

See, I'm not a very good musician.

It was love because it was worth it.

I can't. You can't rewrite the past.

A lot of you cared, just not enough.

Because our lies matched. It was a sign.

But they were wrong. There was a reason.

Betrayal. It's one of the worst feelings.

The Golden Rule will always be good advice!

Novels are a safe way to talk about things.

Two steps behind her, I say her name. "Skye.

You can hear rumors. But you can't know them.

I waited a second. Should I? No... but I will.

And everyone knows you can’t disprove a rumor.

After all, how often do we get a second chance?

But I do know which is the least popular. The truth.

But sometimes there’s nothing left to do but move on.

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything.

Those are some strong currents you're swimming against.

As an author, I love to know my book sells really well.

You don't know what goes on in anyone's life but your own.

That is all that happened. Why did you hear something else?

Teens in the '90s had the same basic desires as they do now.

When the right moment appears, the key is to not let it pass.

As a writer, my only responsibility is to tell a compelling story.

I miss the newness of Magic Eye posters, which really are amazing.

Everything seemed good, but I knew it had the potential to be awful.

The road to publication is like a churro - long and bumpy, but sweet.

The longer you wait, and this is true, the slower the hands will move.

People grow apart, and sometimes, there nothing anyone can do about it.

It's important to make teens realize the influence they have over others.

I miss video games where the jump-kick was the trickiest combo to master.

It's hard to be disappointed when what you expected turns out to be true.

I hate not knowing what to believe anymore. I hate not knowing what's real.

Maybe if I forgot things once in a while, we'd all be a little bit happier.

They were like two magnets who couldn't decide whether to attract or repel.

Why would anyone say this stuff about themselves on the Internet? It's crazy!

Rejection always hurts, but having it come from my best friend was the worst.

One little ripple started today could create a typhoon fifteen years from now.

If I had a chance with him, I missed it. No, I didn't miss it. I threw it away.

We didn't get that chance because I was afraid. Afraid I had no chance with you.

This was not a spurr-of-the-moment decision. Do not take me for granted... again.

When you write a book for publication, you're writing it for other people to read.

And in high school, people are always watching so there's always a reason to pose.

Every action we have is going to have repercussions in ways we could not anticipate.

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