You don't want to make big decisions in a rush.

What you smell has a big impact on how you feel.

If you can build a muscle, you can build a mindset.

I make ancient wisdom relevant, but through modern research and science.

Solitude is the strength of being alone. It's where we become our best company.

Real love is figuring out how someone wants to be loved and loving them in that way.

We often refer to loneliness as something negative. And we look at it as a weakness.

When it comes to procrastination and overthinking, we have to overcome our self-doubt.

Doing one thing by yourself, for yourself, that creates joy is such an important habit.

I feel that most of our pain from the loss of a loved one is things we never said or expressed.

I shaved my hair. I wore robes. I slept on the floor. We meditated for four to eight hours a day.

When you are looking to be validated by others, you are living according to their values, not yours.

I think being still and being silent and finding your own space is so important in this hectic world.

We say yes to every invite, and then we feel tired and anxious and stressed and overworked and burnt out.

I absolutely love Dubai. I have such a great community of fans out there, who always show me so much love.

Many of us actually feel the most loved when we're hugged, when we're embraced, and when we're cared for physically.

When you can produce measurable, replicable results, it builds confidence and motivates you to keep pushing forward.

By looking at the suffering when I went out to India, I saw how people had nothing and were still trying to be happy.

Learning to love in the way someone wants to be loved is far more the definition of love than just loving in any way.

I really want you to recognize that if you're taking care of your physical and mental health, you can take on any challenge.

I'm really fortunate that I get to work with amazing partners that thankfully want to work with me because of what I stand for.

Giving yourself space and time can actually lead to the birth of more creativity, better creativity, and some of your best work.

We often choose knowing over goodness. We'd rather know what's going to happen than expect to be treated with respect and worth.

But if you're doing something and you don't know why you're doing it, then it's good to reflect on the intentionality behind it.

For me, it's always about using my platform to give people an alternative narrative, because we all need to upgrade our mindsets.

I think millennials have really made it their vision and commitment into life to really find themselves, to focus on what matters.

You can't be what you can't see. Expose yourself to more role models and diverse experience to broaden your perspectives and ideas.

We think we have to become something else to be satisfied, not realizing that being ourselves is the only thing that can satisfy us.

One of the most incredible things I believe that social media has done, is that it genuinely just amplifies what's inside us already.

Grow with people you love... Don't just spend time with them, grow with them, and you'll see your relationship grows at the same time.

If we don't choose to intentionally and consciously slow down and stop being in a rush, your body and mind will force you to do it anyway.

If I wanted to learn how to race a speed car, I'm not going to go and race with Formula One drivers. I'm going to go to a beginner's class.

You start projecting hurt and pain onto yourself when you don't find closure. Be honest with the situation and yourself, clean the wound, and move on.

Don't fall in love too fast. You think you know their dreams, but you just know their plans. Plans come from the head, but dreams come from the heart.

Aristotle was talking about happiness 2,000 years ago. Every area of our life has been disrupted and innovated apart from personal growth and self-awareness.

If we could choose, we'd always want to be in flow and thriving, but that's not realistic. Growth has levels, and learning how to navigate them is important.

I find that reading is a super important habit. It's one of the best ways to get centered, to find a new tool to play with, or to experiment with a new idea.

We get bored because we don't want to sit with our fears. We don't want to sit with our anxiety. We don't want to sit with our stress because it's uncomfortable.

Your phone needs to recharge every night. Your laptop needs to recharge. Everything needs to recharge. Are you giving yourself space, time and effort to recharge?

When it comes to time management, I talk a lot more about energy management. I try to give people 100% of my energy even if I'm giving them very little of my time.

Wealth can be used to make a huge difference in the world; social media can be used to have a positive impact on people, or it can be used for exactly the opposite.

I trained myself out of the habit of relying on notifications to make me feel good so that I could dedicate my time to my personal two-hour meditation practice every morning.

Instead of trying to get work, focus on your network. People will play a huge part in directing your growth and investing in relationships is critical no matter what you want to do.

How do we merge entertainment and education? We live in a world where entertainment wins, but if entertainment can have an educational heart, then we can really change people's lives.

Becoming a monk was a hard decision. Leaving being a monk was harder, but it's given me so much faith in my ability to transition, and that what I learned as a monk can still serve me.

When it comes to people I love and care about, I may condense the time, but I'm giving them every ounce of my energy. When it comes to creation, I block create and block focus on business.

Whatever that big procrastination overthinking thing is, I want you to dive into it. When I say dive into, I mean, clear your whole weekend and spend your whole weekend thinking about this.

Often, we think of change as being raising a million dollars or helping 100,000 people. But true change, real change could be just calling one person who you know is lonely every single day.

So many of our love languages are based on how our parents loved us or didn't love us. What our parents gave us either has become our priority or what they didn't give us has become our priority.

Social media is not going away and we're not all going to leave our phones for good. But we can make sure we don't look at our phones in the morning and the evening, which is better for our lifestyle.

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