I have respectfully declined the president's invitation to the White House today.

Until the President produces a responsible deficit reduction plan, I'm not going to the White House to negotiate with myself.

Why - because as a oil and gas small business owner - I know if someone is not doing their job, they should not get paid. Again leadership by example.

The budget acknowledges the importance of maintaining our ports and waterways to encourage commercial deep-draft navigation and economic competitiveness.

I don't intend to spend my morning being lectured to by a president whose failed policies have put our children and grandchildren in a huge burden of debt.

I don't believe we need any more taxes. We need to curtail the size of government. That seems to be a common thread among a majority of Americans out there that understand that we have to limit the size and scope of our government.

Conservatives sometimes catch a tremendous about of flak from inside the Beltway - and those groups can exert extreme pressure on those conservative members to try to get them to vote in ways that are opposite of their core fundamental beliefs and the promises that they made to their constituents back in their districts.

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