Giving opens up avenues for abundance.

My life is, like, sponsored by Keurig.

Good music tells a story that people relate to.

I don't want to be the next hottest thing, I want longevity.

But we're open to adopting any children that come to our door.

I pursue God on a daily basis, I'm not stepping into oblivion.

Maybe getting more isn't the answer to life. Maybe it's giving.

I feel like whether or not they admit it, everyone watches Hallmark.

I have 17 alarms that go off every day to remind me not to have mom brain.

I'm as much of a fan of Hallmark Channel as I am an actress for the network.

I like psychological thrillers but when it's demonic, there's no uplifting message.

I would love to have my own fashion line. I love modest clothing that's still flirty.

Stress is a downward spiral, and you can only overcome it with a positive perspective.

Now that I do so many Hallmark Channel movies I am recognized in public all of the time.

I grew up in Virginia, where Hallmark Channel is king. So I'm really excited to join the holiday family.

Gratitude not only encourages our hearts, it produces peace. And we could all use a little more peace these days.

Once we reach our goal, we immediately feel compelled to set a higher goal. We're left in a vacuum of unfulfillment.

I love being a part of Hallmark and being able to provide people with some sort of 'mini-vacation' from reality. It's fantastic.

I beseech you to open your hearts and give back! Give your time/services/money/support/encouragement/love! Give whatever you can!

If ever there was a proverbial truth, it's the more you give, the more you get. Give and start experiencing a life of fulfillment!

I do most of the cooking at home, and both my mom and my mother-in-law are excellent chefs. However, I wouldn't call myself a chef.

I would say that 98 percent of the time you are not going to get the role you are going after. I think that can be very discouraging.

Fostering is the most worthwhile and selfless act of love you can ever imagine. The children will teach you so much about your own life.

Growing up, my family was like an unofficial foster home. My dad was a judge and my mom was a director of a women and children's charity.

No, my husband Jason is the sweetest, kindest, most secure man I know. Jason knows he's had my heart for over 14 years, and it's his forever.

Alex Zamm is probably the most talented director I've ever worked with. He is so good at working with actors and crew and setting up his shots.

I'm actually really excited to be off of 'General Hospital' because I know God orders my steps, and this only means He has a new adventure for me.

Years ago, I came out with a Christmas album called 'Tinsel Time'. It was just a pet project for me, but it ended up going to number one on Amazon!

In fact, there are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe.

Hallmark Channel treats their actors and actresses with utmost respect. Their scripts remind of me of why entertainment exists in the first place: escape.

Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. In short, it's modern day slavery.

When anxiety drives our decisions, we cannot grow spiritually, emotionally, or mentally. When we open up our hearts and give to others, we give ourselves room to grow and thrive!

But I did get to see the Notre-Dame cathedral, which was really special to me. I'm completely heartbroken over the fire, but I'm really glad that they're gonna be able to salvage it.

I am extremely active in the foster care crisis in this country. Everything that I do is pretty much with the end goal of trying to make a difference in the lives of the children in foster care.

I would say asking for help, which is something I'm not really good at. I think a lot of Type A personalities aren't! Recognizing that you can't do it all and you can try but the main priority is prioritizing joy.

Let's say your child spills his or her milk, and it's the only milk you have left, and it seems you're at the end of your rope, just remember: that milk is already spilled. There is no sense in making a sad situation more stressful.

Here in the United States, we're consumed by our love of money and status. We think bigger is better, and if we can just get that promotion, all will be well with our souls. There's one fatal flaw to this mindset: it's all smoke and mirrors.

I'm really excited about 'Mingle All the Way'. Obviously I love Christmas, I love Christmas music, and the idea of becoming part of someone's positive memories from Christmas because they watch the movie -- I think that's the greatest thing.

With foster care, you have to remain unbiased, which is one of the huge challenges of it because you get to know the kids and if you care about the kids, it's really hard to present yourself as unbiased. But you're supposed to really be an unbiased party.

A great foster parent can end the cycle of abuse and neglect, and impact not just the foster child's life, but also that child's future children's lives, the lives of people who would otherwise be victims of a lost foster child's crimes, and help end human trafficking and homelessness.

One of the things I always tell people when they're going to get married is, in order to have a lasting relationship, there are a couple of things you need to discuss. One is finance, obviously. Then there's religion, politics, kids, how you discipline kids, and how many kids you want to have.

When we give of ourselves, our time, and our money, we're also giving up control. As a control freak myself, I know that sounds scary, but I've learned that the momentary lack of control forces me to look at what I do have and truly count my blessings. I have clean drinking water. I have food on my table. I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. Suddenly, my panic-stricken mindset is replaced with gratitude.

There's something profoundly liberating about giving, yet we don't do it often enough. It begs the question: why not? For some of us, our demanding schedules overtake our time to volunteer. For others, our fear of economic instability manifests a mindset dominated by pernicious lies like, "You can't afford to give" and "If you give, you won't have enough". However, truth of the matter is we simply cannot afford to not give back!

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