I'm an only child.

You don't treat cancer - you fight it.

There are so many secrets in our world.

Why do waiting rooms have to be so ominous?

Sometimes, people will just never love dogs.

Cancer doesn't care if you have suffered before.

Twine from trees and plants can make good floss!

You always get apprehensive before you do shoots.

I have never been one to run when tragedy strikes.

My family always makes a huge deal out of Christmas.

In the game of 'Survivor,' there is no time for regrets.

I'd take my clothes off for chocolate and peanut butter.

I'm not playing 'Survivor' when someone I love has cancer.

Gossiping and squawking for no reason is really pointless.

The 'Survivor' community is very tight. I mean very tight.

My mother battled cancer for 12 years before losing her fight.

I spent 39 days in the Amazon, and I could not even find a fish to catch.

These days, we have a million things to do and usually one day to do them in.

I realize more and more I miss my 'Survivor' friends when I'm not around them.

My advice: Take a second out of the day today and be thankful for your family.

I come from a family of Catholic Italians, and that will always be in my blood.

You forge different bonds with friends than with family, tell different secrets.

Chemotherapy is an opponent in itself - simultaneously curing you and hurting you.

I got a lot of criticism for going back on 'Survivor' to play 'Survivor: All Stars.'

When you see how fragile and delicate life can be, all else fades into the background.

When you are playing 'Survivor', getting a shelter up immediately is the most important thing.

When animals age, some humans see them as less valuable, less important and less entertaining.

My mother did not want cancer to interfere with my life, as she knew it would eventually end hers.

It is rewarding beyond words to rescue a dog from the shelter and have that dog become part of your family.

I am always floating around trying to tend to everyone and be free while at the same time enjoying some space.

The truth is many people see a marriage vow as the only way people are going to stay with someone who is sick.

For some reason for me, and a lot of people, it's so hard to accept help even when it's from your closest friends.

Hey, if something is making you feel good, and it's not hurting anyone else, does it really matter if others believe?

Loving and parenting a dog as a single parent can create all sorts of new and unusual problems, but also new sources of joy.

There are plenty of easy things that you can do from the comfort of your own home to get you started on the path of giving back.

Let's be honest: we all watch the show at home and play 'armchair' 'Survivor,' inserting our opinions, comments and yelling at the TV screen.

When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, my middle school friends and myself really had no idea the impact of that diagnosis, but my family did.

It is very easy to forget how much of a pain training is when you have a dog for so long, but trust me, it's not as easy and quick as we all hope.

As caretakers, we feel drained when caring for another, and in order to take care of someone else, we need to take care of ourselves at the same time.

Every time I am stuck in traffic, stub my toe, get a middle seat on the flight, I just remember how all of this is just a blip in the radar of my life.

I decided to quit 'Survivor: All-Stars' in order to be closer to my mother, who ended up passing away from breast cancer seven days after I returned home.

When someone gets sick, it is easy to get walked all over, walk all over people, and be so beat down you agree to things you would never normally agree to.

Name one experienced coach anywhere in the world that would hand over their playbook to the other team. Unless it's a fake playbook, it just doesn't happen.

I wish I could never spend another second talking about cancer and all it does to everyone it surrounds, but unfortunately, that cannot be because of my life.

If people are offering help, it's because they want to and you have to let them do it. It just makes life so much easier. You just have to put your pride aside.

I will always have dogs in my life, and I absolutely can't be with someone who will challenge that or disagree with that stance - I will not budge on this, ever.

When you walk through the hospital, you waiver between feeling bad for everyone else and feeling bad for yourself. It's a war of the worlds - the healthy and the sick.

There are plenty of things you can do to help animals! The best advice that I can give right off the bat is not to get overwhelmed and feel bad when you read about all the issues.

It wasn't the first reality show, but 'Survivor' was the first big network hit, and I'm proud to have played a part in that history as the winner of season six, 'Survivor: Amazon.'

When you check out at PetSmart, the cashier usually asks you if you want to donate money to PetSmart charities to help save the animals. Usually, we're so busy we don't even pay attention.

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