I hate Spanx.

Dating is... weird.

I'm kind of harsher than most people.

I have been able to sniff out a phony.

I do love to gamble; I hate to admit it.

I don't actually go on the Internet that much.

With Christopher Guest films, we have a lot of say.

There are some people who make you feel less lonely.

The minute I started doing comedy, the doors opened.

It's a great compliment when the beautiful ones laugh.

A boyfriend has so much to do with a woman blossoming.

A lot of those good-looking girl parts aren't very fun.

I have the improv background, but stand-up is different.

Standup is just dirtier, a far more risque kind of thing.

I always find the most depressing stuff most interesting.

I love Australia, and I especially love those rugby players.

There is something about a phony that creeps me out so much.

You get the older version of women that you've played before.

I don't think men really fall in love with the outspoken girl.

As a single woman, I reap the benefits of being Stifler's mom.

Usually, when you're an actress, you have to audition 20 times.

It ends up being a terrible movie if you try and please everyone.

I've made a career of taking roles that other actresses didn't want.

Physically, no one would ever consider me for the serial-killer lady.

As young, hot actors living in Hollywood, you get even more attractive.

I figured New York was the closest I'd get here in America to Scotland.

We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about.

I read a script and I know immediately whether that role is for me or not.

I'm so vain, all I could think was I should have stopped at 'American Pie.'

If I wasn't an actress and I wasn't Stifler's mom, my life would be so dull.

I play so many weirdos in movies that it's nice to play an attractive woman.

Meryl Streep was my hero. I wanted to be that type of actor more than anything.

I wanted to be a dramatic actress. Life doesn't go the way you think it's going to go.

I think I'm comedy-attractive, but it's never gonna be me and Charlize Theron up there.

Thank God for Stifler's mom. I don't know if life would be this fun if I didn't have that.

I always get excited when I find out there's a sequel, because all the work is kind of done.

Sexual awareness is part of growing up. When you're growing up, you can't get away from sex.

I dated a guy who played bad guys in movies all the time, and I think he was just a bad guy.

If things don't work out with one person, there's many other people to replace you with online.

People have this view, 'Oh, you're in movies, your life is so glamorous' but it can really suck.

The odd things that people say to you are so much more hilarious than what you can come up with.

The standup thing has been really fun, really seeing the United States instead of reading about it.

When I walk into a video arcade filled with 16- or 17-year-old boys, I may as well be Marilyn Monroe.

When I go on 'The View,' or any of those talk shows, you really don't get to say what you want to say.

I think I get credit for my timing because most of the time, I really have no idea where I'm going with it.

Las Vegas honors women - Celine Dion, Bette Midler, Britney Spears. I love that Las Vegas celebrates women.

Short of spending $10,000, there is nothing you can do to your head to hide the fact that you're going bald.

'Best in Show' legitimized me, and it was a great experience in Vancouver for six weeks with all those dogs!

I was like a waitress that got a job once in a while, and then Stifler's mom happened, and everything changed.

I always feel in movies, I don't know if it's because I'm jaded, but I always feel like we don't go far enough.

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